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Zbradley's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Zbradley's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Pinkertons are not needed. We as workers have the right to stand up for what we think is right. we do not need people telling us how to do when we know it is wrong.

1 point

Without collective bargaining employees can have their rights stripped without any say. Collective bargaining helps employees get rights back fairly.

1 point

Buy when they have so much money they can help our country get out off debt. We are not asking them to give us all of their money but they can help. Middle Class American have too little of money to be able to feed their family put cloths on their back and provide a shelter to be giving more money then they have.

2 points

I am for Obama's plan. I think millionares can pay their taxes because I highly doubt that they need as much money as they have. Us middle class Americans work hard for not even a fraction of what they get. Plus if we have family to take care off thats just more money we need to spend.

1 point

But what if the working conditions are not very safe, what if people are continually getting hurt. If people keep getting hurt, the workers need to stand their ground and tell their superiors that that are not getting proper protection wear or tools to work with.

1 point

Yes I do think Unions are still needed. UNions help people feel like theey are backed up. People that have the same opionion you, support your knowledge. Unions always stick together, they are one for all and all for one.

1 point

If you have immigrations working for you those are jobs that American families can have. People that do not have jobs can use the jobs you giving to immigrants. Some Americans are starving and looking for jobs while you are giving jobs to illegal immigrants.

1 point

As a hard worker I am for this Immagration Reform. These immagrations should stay in their own country and work there, not come to our country and take our jobs. We have family to feed and we do not need these "aliens" to take our jobs.

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