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Zbradley's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Zbradley's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Having a military in Iraq is not showing that we are imperialistic, we are there to protect the citizens there from the taliban. They all do not want to kill us there

1 point

Having a military in Iraq is not showing that we are imperialistic, we are there to protect the citizens there from the taliban. They all do not want to kill us there

1 point

Today we have a better economy now than then. Children are not working in very dangerous conditions anymore, everybody is much wealthier then they were back then

1 point

I agree they showed that one scene that the soldier was saying sorry to the man he killed. He did not want to kill him but he was forced to.

1 point

We are not forcing anything on them though. We are helping them when they need help

1 point

We do not think that we are the best, we just want to help other countries to become healthier or better conditions for living in.

1 point

We are not forcing anything, they need help so we give them our help

1 point

We were never imperalistic, we had to show how we could be friends but you dont want to start a war with us

1 point

We were just showing that we are not a country to fight with. That we have power to compete with

1 point

We were not imperialistic, we had to show other countries that we were able to fight against others.

1 point

America was not imperialistic, we were helping other countries out. Like with the Paama canal we helped them build it

1 point

America is not imperialistic country, it does not force things on other countries

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