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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mlade's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Devin the people will be finding many ways to get their drugs like they do already because it is illegal which being a rebel is fun. as the saying goes if someone were to jump off a bridge would you do it.

2 points

Your darn right that the mafia will come in. The mafia will have to control the Marijuana chaos. The Mafia will try to get all the Marijuana to themselves.

0 points

People were going to speak easys to get there alcohol. The men were coming home drunk and were beating their wives.

1 point

Being that marijuana is banned there are not as many people doing it in public as much as in private.

1 point

During prohibition it was pretty good for women they didn't get beat as much until the law was being broken and the women started getting beat up

1 point

i think it will happen at the end of this decade when everyone is all upset that the world didn't and it will happen in the middle east.

1 point

Chemical warfare sucks there is no way i would want to die that way because it is slow and painful.

1 point

Yeah because they would die to and they would lose to many casualties.

1 point

I think the recall is stupid because they are wasting so much money when walker did nothing wrong plus they can wait another year when his term is up.

1 point

Yes trains were a great transportation until cars came then there began to have no use for train and horses because cars could go farther.

1 point

The east coast would have over 3billion people but they would eventually make to the west.

1 point

Yes boats were great because the supplies got across to other countries and send troops to fight instead hanging around and shooting the people who invade.

1 point

Yes slavery was terrible the way the African Americans were treated just wasn't right they're human just like you and me.

1 point

National parks was a good idea, the younger generations will be able to see what a forest looks like instead of pavement and metal.

1 point

Yes the African Americans were not treated fairly. the Americans treated them as property and not like humans

1 point

Right thats called the front line and people died all the time those people were the ones who aren't the greatest at thing, not even really shooting a gun.

1 point

Right our country wouldn't be they way it is now if we didn't have war. we would be still under the queen

1 point

you have to feel bad about the Russians their uniforms were fancy but they weren't warm so, more Russians died from frost bite then bullets.

1 point

well we weren't kind to them because they weren't kind to the jews so it is pay back but it hurt us because we had to rebuild germany.

1 point

Some say that the war wasn’t good enough to end the world wide conflicts with the other countries.

1 point

I still believe that the war was the war of all wars and there wasn’t any other until WWII. It had to take a lot of problems to get all the countries to team up and fights against each other let along do it again.

1 point

Plus they got trench foot from not wearing boots or water in the boot from rain also they got diseases from bacteria too.

1 point

No i don't think that he did plus Columbus wasn't even the one to discover america, Leif Erickson was so no.

1 point

Yes having more land is good and more crops is good being well fed is a fantastic thing that shows streingth

1 point

Yep and if anyone was still alive they stabbed with the bayonette, or shot.

1 point

Yes WWI was the war to go modern with tanks and fockers. Trench warfare was a big thing in the war which brought great ease for hiding except for tear gas and napalm.

1 point

You can learn using the internet and look up sites that talk about the topic you want to know about.

1 point

I believe this because if WWII did not happen more lives would not have been lost but also that it could have been the last war ever and therefore would be the Great War.

0 points

Obama is a great president he will also be in the next term. All the republican candidates are idiots they don't know what they're talking about. When Obama gets elected again he can do lots more.

1 point

I agree Germany was the ultimate nation, they thought that they could concur the world.

1 point

I agree they needed the reason to make the Spanish look bad and fight the war

1 point

World War One is the war to end all wars there will be no more wars.

1 point

Devin that is true we can have technology but i think that people don't need to be on the internet 24/7

1 point

i agree prostitution should be allowed but yes laws should be put in place so things don't get out of control

1 point

I agree the state workers better start paying equal tax money that we do so that with all that money they earn the state can take it away and if they don't pay take them away and open up a new job for the people who need and are qualified, and if their train them instead of sending them to school to be qualified but when it comes time to work they are over qualified for the job.

1 point

yes they can get all of their money that they want for their families so they can't complain that they can't feed their children.

1 point

Yes a union is needed but for bigger businesses ones that have other branches of companies all over the country where they have a lot of employees and the head of all of them can declare a certain amount so they get equal pay at everyone of those companies.

1 point

No unions are not needed for small companies where there are not a lot of employees that they have to keep track of and see what their capabilities are, and they can get paid by how well they work.

1 point

I love your ideas but the children should have a safe working environment.

1 point

I agree there is no reason that they should be drinking that much coffee. With that money that they use for coffee they should to put in better and safer machines.

1 point

pinkertons are needed they create jobs and protect the common people who cant afford it

2 points

Pinkertons are to protect the workers that help the buisnessmen

2 points

we need the pinkertons to stop violence so the workers dont get hurt and so products can be made and we make money and the buisnessmen can sell the proudcts

1 point

if we are working 2 hours extra we should get paid overtime

2 points

If you get rid of minimum wage the rich will be super rich and the poor will be super poor

1 point

I disagree i think no matter what if they want to work i shouldn't be an option. if you want your kids working twelve hour days i think you should also work twelve hour days so you can get the money you are looking for.

1 point

As a parent i want to have my children working in a safe enviroment. I also don't want them working to hard even though they need to provide i don't want them getting hurt theese children are very precious and i need them since my wife has died, so i need the money and i agree the kids shouldn't work more than eight hours.

1 point

I think we should have at least 48 hours in a work week this is sufficient enough

2 points

as an owner of a buissness i dont want minimum wage i want to pay more than i have to i want money too so get rid of minimum wage

1 point

i agree with a 40 hour work week i think that we do need the time to have free time kids need to be able to have fun with their friends

2 points

I think they should keep the minimum wage because as an employee and child who needs to provide for his family. if the minimum wage gets dropped i will have to tak up hunting and my family will sufer becuase i wont be able to work becuase of hunting. i wish it could be higher so the owners aren't making to much money but enough to keep their buisness and draw people in. they don't need to much becuase they will become greedy

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