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Mlade's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mlade's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Devin the people will be finding many ways to get their drugs like they do already because it is illegal which being a rebel is fun. as the saying goes if someone were to jump off a bridge would you do it.

2 points

Your darn right that the mafia will come in. The mafia will have to control the Marijuana chaos. The Mafia will try to get all the Marijuana to themselves.

0 points

People were going to speak easys to get there alcohol. The men were coming home drunk and were beating their wives.

1 point

Being that marijuana is banned there are not as many people doing it in public as much as in private.

1 point

During prohibition it was pretty good for women they didn't get beat as much until the law was being broken and the women started getting beat up

1 point

i think it will happen at the end of this decade when everyone is all upset that the world didn't and it will happen in the middle east.

1 point

Chemical warfare sucks there is no way i would want to die that way because it is slow and painful.

1 point

Yeah because they would die to and they would lose to many casualties.

1 point

I think the recall is stupid because they are wasting so much money when walker did nothing wrong plus they can wait another year when his term is up.

1 point

Yes trains were a great transportation until cars came then there began to have no use for train and horses because cars could go farther.

1 point

The east coast would have over 3billion people but they would eventually make to the west.

1 point

Yes boats were great because the supplies got across to other countries and send troops to fight instead hanging around and shooting the people who invade.

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