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Ehueppchen's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ehueppchen's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Again, there are pros and cons to both sides. When the government try to control the people to that level, people rebel against it and it makes more of a drive to do it. Marijuana is no more harmful to people's health then smoking or tobacco. Both are used legally and widely and are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Crime and violence are increased due to illegal selling and buying. Legalizing this would decrease the violence. Marijuana has a huge contribution to some states economics. If marijuana was legalized, the U.S. could save up to $8 billion a year on enforcement.

1 point

There are definatly pros and cons to both sides. Some people believe that marijuana ingestion is immoral. Some people will abuse the use of marijuana which long term abuse will be harmful to a person. Many say that legalizing marijuana will give people the idea that you can legalize other more harmful drugs. Some, not all, but some sellers of marijuana have been found to be violent and are better to be put in prison. Law enforcement officals don't want to be seen as supporters of drugs. They are worried about the image that they will give off.

1 point

I think that depending on the life you were living at the time it would have been good. If you were doing well and having a sucessful life then I wouldn't move west. However, if you needed more money and a better job to provide for your family then I agree that moving west would be a smart decision.

1 point

Racism will always be a problem all over the world. There will always be people that think they are better and deserve to be treated better. Who knows, maybe in the future Americans will b on the other side of racism.

1 point

I also believe that it should remain illegal. They say that that study shows no harmful effects to your lungs if you have an occasionsal joint. Honestly if your smoking it already, who is really just gonna do it occasionally i mean we need to get real here. The people that want it legal are the people that don't just do the occasional joint.

1 point

I agree. I think its wrong how many things they are replacing with computers. Yes computers and techonology are needed for some things and are very important. But there are some things that need real people to work or the quality just isn't the same.

1 point

I agree. Countries tell their men that they need to fight for their fatherland and defend their country. They tell them this without actually telling them why the war is being faught and what purpose it has.

1 point

I agree. The country is making progress and the economy is slowly but surely coming along. We need to keep making steps forward and not back.

1 point

Part of this is all america's fault. In the tabloids we can't believe everything that we read and need to do a little more fact digging before we believe every little thing that people tell us.

1 point

I agree. Many lives could have been save if people would have thought rationaly and realized trench warfare is one of the worst ways to fight a war.

1 point

If people would just be honest and only let out the truth then there's a good chance we never would have gone to war. Peopl make things up to try and get attention and this causes things to happen for the wrong reasons.

1 point

Exactly. People come to America because of the rights and politics that America has.

1 point

It's sad that it took "The Jungle" to make a change happen. The president should have never letten food sanitation get so terrible. It shouldn't have gone so far that it took a book to make a difference.

1 point

I agree. We get involved in everything little thing that goes wrong, thinking that if we make it better countries will like us more. All the u.s. does is angers other countries by always making their business our business. We need to wait until other countries want our help.

1 point

Exactly. Our countries puts itself in situations that we shouldn't be involved in. We shouldn't be bragging when nowdays our country in trillions of dollars in debt. That's not something to brag about.

1 point

I agree. The United States is one of the most imperialistic countries that there is especially during the progressive era. We think that we are always right and everyone should follow us and be like us. Wars and disputes that we have been involved in help prove this and show that we want control and power over everything and want everything to be like us.

1 point

The progressive era was a huge leap in u.s. history. Many different movements and ideas were created during this period that improved many parts of u.s. history. Food safety and drug safety were a couple of things that improved. Other things that improved were reforms in schools, and enviromental preservation and awareness.

1 point

Worker conditions during industrialization in the united states were terrible. Some owners would lock the workers in the room when they left for a fear that they would get out. People were fed very little and given very little breaks. The places they worked in were very unsafe. They were also very unsanitary and weren't suitable conditions for people to be working in.

1 point

Industrialization had good and bad effects of the united states. As a child their were good points and bad points. The good points were that allowing younger children to work allowed them help to contribute to their families. The bad points were that most of the time the kids were underpaid. They were over worked and if something bad happened like you cut your finger off, there wasn't anything you could do about it. During this time, the morals and view points of many cooperations were being questioned due to working conditions.–1918) )

1 point

Westward migration was a very important part of u.s. history. It was a time when people gave up everything to move out west. People spent all their money on supplies to get out their and the journey wasn't east. Many people died from sickness and disease. Specific groups like the Donnor Party had and even harder journey. People became so cold and were so hungry that they resorted to cannibalism. It was a very large part of history that included many struggles.

1 point

The u.s. became very divided during the civil war. Slavry being the big contraversy caused a lot of destress for the u.s. The government began trying to rationalize and protect the citizens of the u.s. The government began fighting against racial justice. Reconstruction policies were created to try and begin restoring the country. Some efforts succeeded. Some failed.

1 point

Exploration and Colonization was very common throughout history. People wanted to leave their countries for many reasons. Some included how the governments treated the people and also the economics of the country. Many people from Europe came to explore America. People were becoming curious of what was out their and wanted to discover and travel it.

1 point

Imperialism is very prevalent to the U.S. now and in history. The U.S. has ideas of their own and they think that everyone should follow it. The united states has shown imperialism as well as nationalism many times throughout history. Some of these times include the spanish american war and the panama canal.

-3 points
1 point

Exactly, being treated fair is really the only thing most people want and with collective bargaining everyone is treated fairly and justly.

1 point

You could even be a hard worker and get fired for a reason like because your boss doesn't like the way you dress or you smelled weird last week. These reasons are completely irrelevant to anything.

1 point

Collective Bargaining is the way to keep good negotiation in Wisconsin. Without this people could get fired for no particular reason. There doesn't need to be any significant relevant reason to being fired. We need collective bargaining to keep and save our rights.

1 point

If your running a decent business and respect your workers, then they shouldn't feel the need to go on strike in the first place. Pinkerton's will just escalate the problem. If you run a good business then you shouldn't need the use of Pinkerton's.

1 point

This is our right. I'm a wife, a worker, and a mother and I should be able to speak my mind and not have to worry about violence or police disrupting that. I work hard for my family and if there's something that I'm passionate about, then I have the right to express that. Violence isn't the way to solve every problem so I am against the use of Pinkerton's.

1 point

We need them for the balance of equality and power. If unions are illiminated all together, business owners would have to much power over the employees. Unions help create specilized jobs and create a way to better sort out hard workers from people that would rather not work.

1 point

This is exactly how I feel. Without unions, business owners would have to much control over everything. This along with safety regulations are enough of a reason to keep unions.

0 points

It's true that the working conditions of our country are better. Just because it's better doesn't mean that it's all resolved. Without any unions at all, business owners would have more control and things could go really wrong. Unions follow structure that allows the workers to have some sort of opinion on what's going on. It also keeps workers as well as business owners regulated in hours, pay, vacation, and many other things.

0 points

Yes kids need to work to help their families but I'm a female worker as well as a mother and wife. I don't need my older child to be over worked. Business owners don't have the right to treat kids however they please. Unless you have a child yourself you don't see the effects it has on your kids and see what happens when business owners work them to hard. If a family is struggling then the responsibility falls on us, the parents, not the young kids who don't have a choice or say or don't get to choose what they do.

1 point

Yes my older kid needs to work to help support our family. In most cases kids are needed to help with money for their families. It's not always the child's choice if they need to work. At least with this bill our kids can work and still safe. You can work a kid as hard as you work an adult because then by the time they are adults they'll be extremely beat down. They have their whole lives ahead of them and shouldn't be beaten down or put in dangerous situations that they can't handle or aren't ready for.

0 points

As a mother, wife, and worker I agree with this bill. I don't want my younger kids working because that isn't right when adults could be doing those jobs. I also don't want my teenager to be working really long hours. Their just kids and don't deserve to work the same amount as an adult. This bill is needed so that kids can still bring in money to their families but aren't over worked and put in really dangerous situations.

1 point

Americans should have the right to do the jobs that are in their country. Plenty of Americans would be willing to do hard work. We aren't lazy people and deserve to be given these jobs over immigrants.

1 point

As a female worker I am for the immigration reform. I work hard at my job and I want my children to have the potential for a good job. If there are to many immigrant workers then other people can't get good jobs that Americans need. I don't want my job to be risked just for immigrants. I deserve my job and so do all Americans who deserve the opportunities that are in their country.

1 point

But with the minimum wage people wouldn't need to be desperate because they make pennies a day. With the minimum wage people don't need to survive on just pennies and can make enough to eat and live

0 points

If the business owners are able to pick and choose who they want to pay more they could potentially lose a lot of workers. This is unfair and unequal because without the minimum wage you could choose to not pay someone as much as someone else for very irrelevant reasons. You could simply not like how the person dresses and not pay them well even though they may have very good work ethic. The minimum wage is promoting the equality of everyone who works hard and wants to earn their money.

1 point

As a female worker I am for the minimum wage. Even though they say it may be limiting job growth it's also promoting equality. Without the minimum wage law, there's a good chance I wouldn't be getting paid good. Me and my children would be making less then everyone us because there's no reason for them to pay us equally. With the minimum wage there is always room to go up but everyone doing the same job is treated the same and doesn't get paid based on things like gender or race.

1 point

Business owners already have a lot of money. Cutting back only 20 hours a week wouldnt significantly change the amount of money. You need to look at the product you get out of working that long instead of just the money. If people get that extra time to rest their bodies, then they'll be better at making the product which could lead to better quality, even maybe eventually leading to more money anyway.

1 point

As a female worker I am for a shorter work week. Work will still get done now this allows us to be at home with our families more. It gives us more time to rest, making us more effective when we go back to work. It creates a fairer economic work style that allows the proper distribution of family time and work time. Women already work hard to be keep their homes going and keep their children fed and clean. Reducing the work week makes life better for everyone involved.

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