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1 point

Again, there are pros and cons to both sides. When the government try to control the people to that level, people rebel against it and it makes more of a drive to do it. Marijuana is no more harmful to people's health then smoking or tobacco. Both are used legally and widely and are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Crime and violence are increased due to illegal selling and buying. Legalizing this would decrease the violence. Marijuana has a huge contribution to some states economics. If marijuana was legalized, the U.S. could save up to $8 billion a year on enforcement.

1 point

There are definatly pros and cons to both sides. Some people believe that marijuana ingestion is immoral. Some people will abuse the use of marijuana which long term abuse will be harmful to a person. Many say that legalizing marijuana will give people the idea that you can legalize other more harmful drugs. Some, not all, but some sellers of marijuana have been found to be violent and are better to be put in prison. Law enforcement officals don't want to be seen as supporters of drugs. They are worried about the image that they will give off.

1 point

I think that depending on the life you were living at the time it would have been good. If you were doing well and having a sucessful life then I wouldn't move west. However, if you needed more money and a better job to provide for your family then I agree that moving west would be a smart decision.

1 point

Racism will always be a problem all over the world. There will always be people that think they are better and deserve to be treated better. Who knows, maybe in the future Americans will b on the other side of racism.

1 point

I also believe that it should remain illegal. They say that that study shows no harmful effects to your lungs if you have an occasionsal joint. Honestly if your smoking it already, who is really just gonna do it occasionally i mean we need to get real here. The people that want it legal are the people that don't just do the occasional joint.

1 point

I agree. I think its wrong how many things they are replacing with computers. Yes computers and techonology are needed for some things and are very important. But there are some things that need real people to work or the quality just isn't the same.

1 point

I agree. Countries tell their men that they need to fight for their fatherland and defend their country. They tell them this without actually telling them why the war is being faught and what purpose it has.

1 point

I agree. The country is making progress and the economy is slowly but surely coming along. We need to keep making steps forward and not back.

1 point

Part of this is all america's fault. In the tabloids we can't believe everything that we read and need to do a little more fact digging before we believe every little thing that people tell us.

1 point

I agree. Many lives could have been save if people would have thought rationaly and realized trench warfare is one of the worst ways to fight a war.

1 point

If people would just be honest and only let out the truth then there's a good chance we never would have gone to war. Peopl make things up to try and get attention and this causes things to happen for the wrong reasons.

1 point

Exactly. People come to America because of the rights and politics that America has.

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