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This personal waterfall shows you all of Chribenti's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

With the probation of alcohol the gangs rose and they knew where to find the alcohol and the best place to find it. With the Marijuana can be good with job creation.

1 point

I don’t think the probation of alcohol didn’t work because the gangs rose and knew where to find the alcohol, and they started to controlled the local government.

1 point

Which in the end lead up to World War 2 and other conflicts.

1 point

It is a good thing because you don't have to sail around South America.

1 point

I agree without the Industrialization era stuff such as food saftey wouldn't be around.

1 point

In the end lead up to World War II, the UN, and the wars after World War II.

1 point

Which autumnally lead up to World War 1 than World War 2.

1 point

And that the Spanish is a dieing empire and world power and that a new world powers are needed.

1 point

Yes it is, it is something we can't get rid of, it will be with the US forever.

1 point

Couse it aficed The US as well more then you know about, the US needed to the money.

1 point

All kids from every country shouldn't be working hard labor, but they should be a school.

1 point

I agree, but I think the US still needs more rights for African Americans.

1 point

I agree the US needed to go through the Industrial age it was a bad thing that kids were working next to their parents.

1 point

I agree with you Aron if WWI never happened the world would feel smaller the it is and there wouldn't be any conflict in the middle east.

1 point

The US needed to go through the Progressive era and the industrial age. We wouldn't have any safety in the work places and other things too.

1 point

I believe that the world would be different without the World Wars, we wouldn't have the U.N. or the countries that we know about.

1 point

We didn't have any world power before World War I, we had power after World War II.

1 point

The US needed to step in World War I, the war was going on to long and it needed to stop, that was a step for the US to be Imperialistic.

1 point

The US needs to be Imperialistic to be a world power. They need to be less imperialistic we shouldn't be the police of the world, we should just protect our own land not everyone else's.

1 point

I agree with you Aron the movie showed the US in its industrial age. The US back then was full of immoral things.

1 point

I think the world would be different if Europe didn't go through the Renaissance and create materials to find the New World and start colonizing the world. If they didn't find the New World the world would feel smaller then it is.

-2 points
-1 points

I think we need to stop with some of the progressive era laws and start moving forward with new laws. For us to stay as a world power we need to move forward and get out of the progressive era.

1 point

The governmet as to much power they don't need to have collective bargaining, because if we don't hav it they shouldn't have it.

1 point

With the collecive bargaining they could talk their way out of paying their taxes and we would do it for them.

1 point

Agreed that they shouldn't commplaning about working conditions. They make the laws and they should follow them as well, and not make us do all of their taxes for they as well.

1 point

I think that state employees make to much money and they need to pay the same amount of money of health care as every one else does. They shouldn't pay less on health cure they should pay the some amount.

1 point

Unions help with workers pay and working conditons and they also help build up most work places for the better of the workers.

1 point

But Pinkertons hurt the workers, the workers who are needed to work in your the plant, without the workers you wouldn't make any profit or get more money.

1 point

I think unions are still needed because unions fight for the rights of the workers. Unions also fight for workers health care and retirements, and the how much money a worker makes.

1 point

As a unionized worker I think that Pinkertons are a bad thing they can hurt Innocent civilians that wasn't even connected to the union. The Pinkertons would kill the workers just because they were a part of a strike.

1 point

The Bill is good for me because I'm a unionized worker without kids would be the best part of the plant. Without children the plant can work harder without kids getting in the way of the workers.

1 point

As a unionized worker having children working with me for a while and sometimes see them die was not a good sight to see. Have kids Waite until they are 14 years old to start working is good and having kids start harder working is better yet.

1 point

The immigrates will take are jobs for no reason, when we built this country for us and not for them. So that's why we don't need the immigrates taking our jobs.

1 point

I am a unionized worker, the immigrates taking my job then they will over run the companies and all the other employees, like me, would be without jobs. More immigrates would crowed cities and there would be more poverty in the cities with the immigrates.

1 point

With the minimum wage is $7.25 there won't be any employees that would be paid exrta money eather. Pennies a day for workers would be a bad thing cause families conn't live on only pennies a week.

1 point

The minimum wage is good, because if you have one person making 5.00 dollars a day than other making 2.00 dollars a day you might get complaints from your workers that some is making more money than they are. So the minimum wage 0f $7.25 is a good low number for people to make.

1 point

With a 10 hour a day for 6 days a week, we can't see our families and we can't support our family. Aron money isn't everything in the world once you die it comes worthless.

1 point

I believe that a 40 hour work week is too long, we don't have any time to see our family and we shouldn't work on the weekends. With a 40 hour work week we can have time to be with our families. If we had a late night that day, the next day there is going to be a lot of accidents.

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