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Chribenti's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Chribenti's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

With the probation of alcohol the gangs rose and they knew where to find the alcohol and the best place to find it. With the Marijuana can be good with job creation.

1 point

I don’t think the probation of alcohol didn’t work because the gangs rose and knew where to find the alcohol, and they started to controlled the local government.

1 point

Which in the end lead up to World War 2 and other conflicts.

1 point

It is a good thing because you don't have to sail around South America.

1 point

I agree without the Industrialization era stuff such as food saftey wouldn't be around.

1 point

In the end lead up to World War II, the UN, and the wars after World War II.

1 point

Which autumnally lead up to World War 1 than World War 2.

1 point

And that the Spanish is a dieing empire and world power and that a new world powers are needed.

1 point

Yes it is, it is something we can't get rid of, it will be with the US forever.

1 point

Couse it aficed The US as well more then you know about, the US needed to the money.

1 point

All kids from every country shouldn't be working hard labor, but they should be a school.

1 point

I agree, but I think the US still needs more rights for African Americans.

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