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Shanaynay151's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Shanaynay151's arguments, looking across every debate. <<<< This shows that the 1st amendment does what it says it will even protecting a "KKK" member because they can speak out against blacks and not be in trouble and can hold meetings about it as long as they are not hurting a black person or causing a disturbance,,,,Sad but true

Yea well he may not be doing what he said he would but he hasn't done anthong illegal and look how much money it cost to recall walker, 9MILLION! So doing that would hurt us more finaicially. We don't have much more time left with him and that just shows that in the next election we need to be more careful people don't always keep promises.

As with any substacne you se there are ups and down but the truth is weed when used recreationally is better the alcohol and ciggarettes. ITs has less harmful effects and does the same thing as alcohol. If weed is so bad than so is alcohol. They say weed clouds your judgment wel so does alcohol, only differenc weed doesnt lasst as long and doesnt make your body get sick. Plus you can't overdose on weed like you can pills or alchol ( alcohol posioning)

2 points

Truth is it doesn't really protect you from everything! It helps you so you can practice religion in your own way and so you can right what you want and voice your oppion. But it wont help you if your are doing wht you think is freedom of speech but are being illegal. If what you are saying is "i'm Gonna kill you" or " I think I am gonna burn that place down or kill her." That is posinga threat and can cause a disruption in to society that is not protected.

What does the 1st amendment really protect you from? In our minds everything but that isn't the case.

It's not just their debt that like saying its ok to punish some for something someone else did!

Why tax the rich? Some of these people have worked very hard for their money and lives,,not to mention some of these have familes they provide for....and taking what they deserve away from them is wrong....also what happened to equal rights and fairness to al!!?? Helllo!

2 points

Leaning liberal, We do need change but we can't move to fast, if we move too fast we will have many problems and nevver will have time to fix them,,also its good to keep some of the old thing thats work, that gives us a strong foundation to work and grow from.

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