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This personal waterfall shows you all of Majaholcomb's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Prohibition doesn't work entirely. People will always break laws! I think that the amount of speakeasies is blown out of proportion in the history books becasue it is directly camparable to the drug joints today.

1 point

The difference between cigarettes and marijuana is great. You don't get to that high point you do under marijuana. Tobacco is MUCH LESS impairing compared to marijuana!

1 point

Even though people still use drugs, there are many people that don't because it is against the law. Keeping it illeagal will keep the numbers of users down.

0 points

I think that prohibition is good and bad at the same time. Alcoholism can be monitered and be controlled but when you bring drugs into the picture, I feel that things become violent. America will be officially destroyed if marijuana gets legalized, can you imagine?People will be robbed, or even worse shot and/or stabbed for their marijuana.Then you will go from smoking this stuff everyday and it wont get you high anymore so then you will be doing things like cocaine,crack,heroin,and whatever else there is. If you ask me this is just going to ruin the kids of our future because there will be non government control over the usage and sale of the substance. There are rules on how much beer you can buy, the age in which you can buy it and what times you can buy it. We can't just go and legalize it! There needs to be erules that go with it. I would reccomend that it could only be purchased from lisenced practioners. The buyer must be at least 21 and if they are a felon should not be allowed to purchase or use any. The laws regarding buying for minors would be the same as what is applicable for alcohol. Also, driving and operating under the influence would have the same punishments as those who do so under th influence of alcohol. I think the with MODERATION and RULES we could not entirely prohibit anything.

1 point

I disagree, I think many of the rep candidates are good representatives of the American people. Obama is hypocritical and says things he doesnt mean. I understand that is the way it is but do you really think his election was true? I think that looks and presentations of yourself have become so important in election we fail to see their actual motives. I can assure you that most of his votes were because he was african american. Not to be racist, but I think it's true.

1 point

The progressive era was a time of growth and change in America and it created a lot of the base to how we function as a nation today.

1 point

This site gives a lot of good info on the causes of ww1 and the meanings of many of the vocabulary words we have learned. ww1 was a combination of many things and this site tells of some of the lesser known reasons.

1 point

Progressive movement strived to deminish the church as the driving force for poilitical choices. They are chagning the way we operate as a nation with our morals and tradititions.

1 point

Nationalism has a few good points, people tend to work for the good of the state, which allows people to come together with like interests and accomplish their goals. The cons are many, as illustrated by Hitler's Germany, nationalism almost always ends with one group of people being vilified.

1 point

The Industrialization Period brought a brand new economic system to the United States. Rights, money, and jobs were all changed. With all of these new improvements, corruption made its way through many aspects of American life. Reformers responded during the Industrialization period by wanting to better the culture by following three goals that consisted of economic reform, social welfare, and moral improvement. Citizens thought they needed to have some measure of business and government guidelines and restrictions to protect social welfare. Progressives worried that uncontrolled and concentrated corporate power threatened republican government.

1 point

THe wars shaped our country and our viewpoints today. All wars changed the way we thought and how we adressed violence in other countries

1 point

The progressive movement touched nearly everyone. The consumer, the worker the factory owner. It adressed the poor population in the cities. The women were gaining more rights and resoect from others. It changed schools and government too.

1 point

Good point!! I do agree with that. Boys and men have an army instict distilled in them therefore making games like that attractive to them

1 point

The Progressives were urban, Northernt, educated, middle-class, Protestant men and women. There was no official Progressive Party until 1912, but the idea had already grapsed the nation.

It was more of a movement than a political party, and there was a philosophy for the movement. There were three Progressive Presidents — Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt and Taft were Republicans and Wilson was a Democrat. What united the movement was a belief that the laissez faire was morally and intellectually wrong. Prgressives were on a mission to change morals and beliefs in americans.

1 point

Conservatives were in a for a tough time because if they liked it or not, progressive era was under way. They had little say in many of the debates because the movement became so large so fast.

1 point

One of the greatest factor that fueled the progressive movement in America was urbanization. For years, educated, middle-class women had began the work of reform in bigger cities. Jane Addams was a progressive before the movement became popular. The settlement house movement embodied the very ideals of progressivism.

1 point

Household manufacturing was almost universal in colonial days, with local craftsmen providing for their communities. This new era introduced factories, with machines and predetermined tasks, producing items to be shipped and sold elsewhere.

1 point

Westward migration not only improved the land capacity of America but it also forced us to develop great transportation in the need to expand. Trains and roads started to be constructed and improved. Thus improving out infrastructure as a nation.

1 point

Do you think the 40 hour work week is still in effect today? According to this article, the act is getting reviewed. I think it is a great idea because times have changed so much since then. text/workweek.shtml

1 point

Here are some non-violent fact about WW1. Did you know Canadian women had to give their husbands permission to join the war in the early days?

1 point

I agree. Even though we lost some men to the indians and we removed a native people, I honestly believe if we wouldnt have donw it, Britain or Spain would have.

1 point

What did Wilson lie about? A lot actually! One example: There was a ship traveling over seas to Europe. There were 1300 some passengers. When Germans attacked the ship claiming there were weapons on the ship, they killed near 1100 of the passengers. Wilson screamed bloody murder on the germans. He said they were ruthless killers fighting a war to enjoy the smell of blood. Get this, only 118 of those passengers were killed. And he screams bloody murder? Wilson lied to the public about the extent of the war initially.

1 point

Wilson appointed many southern Democrats to his cabinet. Is that really fair? It is sort of like picking your friends for a dodge ball game. You would obviously pick the strong and fast friends . This is what Wilson did. The act of his choice ended up with the cabinet supporting segregation. Quite unconstitutional, right?

1 point

I think that Woodrow Wilson's power created issues with his honesty and equality view points. He was very racist, as he was born in the south. One time he even said he 'understood' the motives and acts done by the Klu Klux Klan.

1 point

We need pinkertons to control strkers from over controlling the owners of the business.

1 point

America doesnt need to change? You think that we need to stay in the current state we are in, with banks and business failing and national debt rising exponentially? Do not blame Mexico, they have their problems but we also have our own.

1 point

Without a progessive attitude and way of thinking, we would lose what we have made progress on already. It would be like starting a research project online and you find all these great websites and you ll of a sudden no longer feel like doing it. Now that you stopped your progressive outlook on the project and took a long break, you have lost most of what you already learned and must go back a find those websites and resources over agian. If we start losing track of what we have been doing and focus on other things like business or economy (which are equally important) we may lose sight of our morals and beliefs. As a conservative beliefs and tradition are very important to me. But, at the same time I do agree that we must not stick in the past and move forward but we cant leave our past entirely or again, we would lose sight of what we are looking for as a country

1 point

Unions are in place for reasons that I could not understand why anyone, except if you were saddistic, would say that they are no longer needed. Unions are one of the best ways that we, as citizens, can demonstrate our right to freedom of speech. Without unions, employees would be slaves to factories. Imagine not having a union: no holidays, no workers comp., dangerous working conditions, long hours, and no mercy for the employees.

1 point

I am for this bill because I am a child. This bill could change my life. It restricts ne from working basically, so that would allow me to attend school and play around with my friends. Now I can have a childhood that is free from bad working conditions!!!

1 point

You need tO lower your personal profit then you could pay us the sane and the only thin that would change is what you bring into your pocket. Wealthy business owners are being horribly selfish and need to take a walk in our shoes for once!

1 point

I am for this bill because I am a child. This bill could change my life. It restricts ne from working basically, so that would allow me to attend school and play around with my friends. Now I can have a childhood that is free from bad working conditions!!!

1 point

When you pay different people different wages, you are messing up our economy. Natives won't get hired and then we have a bunh of homeless citizens. When hiring immigrants for nothing you are encouraging them to come over, pushing citizens out of work. The government needed to step in and control wages. The government should have some control on the economy, not just the businness owners looking out only for themselves.

1 point

This is great! With this I no longer have to worry about how much i'm getting paid. With a minimum wage, my wage can only go up from a fixed price.

2 points

You are slowly killing us. Slowly, but surely. Killing us emotionaly AND physically! We need time to spend with family and we need time to rest to stay healthy. Do you WANT to see your employees in severe exhuastion?!

1 point

You may be losing money but do you realize what we are losing? We are losing our lives for you! As a child worker, I need support from my parents. If they are working all the time how do you expect me to communicate with them? My parents need to have time to care for me, and I need time to get smart in school instead of working in a factory all day!

1 point

It's not only rest we are looking for! What we need is time to spend with our families, our children! Money doesn't buy happiness, and with what you're paying us, it can barely pay for food!

1 point

We can not work more than 40 hours a week! I am only 7 and i have my needs, too. I need family time, time to attend school, personal time! These corporations that are making me work longer are taking away my childhood! But, not only do the children need less time in the factorys, parents do to! How can a mother raise a child and how can a father support a child when they are in a factory 12 hours a day! These business say that an easy way to solve this is to put the children in the factory, too. This way the children are always under supervision while helping the company out. BUT THIS IS TERRIBLY WRONG. You cannot raise a child in a factory, you need family time. FAMILY is a value of mine, business owners: please make family one of your values, too!

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