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RSS Majaholcomb

Reward Points:26
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Prohibition doesn't work entirely. People will always break laws! I think that the amount of speakeasies is blown out of proportion in the history books becasue it is directly camparable to the drug joints today.

1 point

The difference between cigarettes and marijuana is great. You don't get to that high point you do under marijuana. Tobacco is MUCH LESS impairing compared to marijuana!

1 point

Even though people still use drugs, there are many people that don't because it is against the law. Keeping it illeagal will keep the numbers of users down.

0 points

I think that prohibition is good and bad at the same time. Alcoholism can be monitered and be controlled but when you bring drugs into the picture, I feel that things become violent. America will be officially destroyed if marijuana gets legalized, can you imagine?People will be robbed, or even worse shot and/or stabbed for their marijuana.Then you will go from smoking this stuff everyday and it wont get you high anymore so then you will be doing things like cocaine,crack,heroin,and whatever else there is. If you ask me this is just going to ruin the kids of our future because there will be non government control over the usage and sale of the substance. There are rules on how much beer you can buy, the age in which you can buy it and what times you can buy it. We can't just go and legalize it! There needs to be erules that go with it. I would reccomend that it could only be purchased from lisenced practioners. The buyer must be at least 21 and if they are a felon should not be allowed to purchase or use any. The laws regarding buying for minors would be the same as what is applicable for alcohol. Also, driving and operating under the influence would have the same punishments as those who do so under th influence of alcohol. I think the with MODERATION and RULES we could not entirely prohibit anything.

1 point

I disagree, I think many of the rep candidates are good representatives of the American people. Obama is hypocritical and says things he doesnt mean. I understand that is the way it is but do you really think his election was true? I think that looks and presentations of yourself have become so important in election we fail to see their actual motives. I can assure you that most of his votes were because he was african american. Not to be racist, but I think it's true.

1 point

The progressive era was a time of growth and change in America and it created a lot of the base to how we function as a nation today.

1 point

This site gives a lot of good info on the causes of ww1 and the meanings of many of the vocabulary words we have learned. ww1 was a combination of many things and this site tells of some of the lesser known reasons.

1 point

Progressive movement strived to deminish the church as the driving force for poilitical choices. They are chagning the way we operate as a nation with our morals and tradititions.

1 point

Nationalism has a few good points, people tend to work for the good of the state, which allows people to come together with like interests and accomplish their goals. The cons are many, as illustrated by Hitler's Germany, nationalism almost always ends with one group of people being vilified.

1 point

The Industrialization Period brought a brand new economic system to the United States. Rights, money, and jobs were all changed. With all of these new improvements, corruption made its way through many aspects of American life. Reformers responded during the Industrialization period by wanting to better the culture by following three goals that consisted of economic reform, social welfare, and moral improvement. Citizens thought they needed to have some measure of business and government guidelines and restrictions to protect social welfare. Progressives worried that uncontrolled and concentrated corporate power threatened republican government.

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