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Efohr's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Efohr's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes we still need unions because we need to be treated equaly when working. I feel that having a union, workers would become better at working and being more skilled.

1 point

I don't agree with you becoming more conservative because we also need to have a little bit of liberal. Yes, your right we do need to save money but a lot of people know how to also.

1 point

I agree 100% with you! We need a little bit of both! Some change is good for us, but also keeping things traditional is also good as well.

1 point

Yes, but think of the americans. What are they going to do when the immigrants take our hours? We need to keep our jobs so we can support our families.

1 point

I am for this Immigration Reform because when the immigrants come to america, they take away our jobs. Even though they have more people to work for them, they would be basically taking away our money since they would take our hours.

1 point

Yes we need change, but we also need to keep things the same and simple.

1 point

We would need a little of both because conservatives like to keep things the way they are, but liberal likes a little change. Some change is good, but we also need to keep things the way they are.

1 point

They coul;d fire us for no reason and get away with it! It wouldn't be fair to us at all. We work our hardest and if we get fired because we don't have collective bargaining than that is rediculious! We have rights to!

1 point

I'm for this because Wisconsin employees need collective bargaining because if they didn't have it then the employers could fire them. Also, they ould take away the rights of the employees and the employees couldn't do anything about it.

1 point

As a child we diserve to protest since we have freedom of speech. Even though we aren't as educated as the adults we still deserve the right to protest.

1 point

As a child i'm against the Pinkertons. We are able to speak our mind about things. We should be able to protest because we have freedom of speech.

1 point

Even though they are immigrants they still deserve to get payed the same if they are skilled enough and are willing to work. As a child I think they need to get payed just as much as the adults since they work the same amount of hours.

1 point

Even though we work to support our families we are also young kids that need to be looking into our education. Having a better education can help though life, so I can get a good job when I'm older. As young kids we aren't as skilled as the adults, so we would need to work a lot to meet their expectations.

1 point

I am for this bill because as a child I don't want to work kbefore the age of 14. I would rather stay home or even go to school during the day. Even though I work to support my family, I have other priorities that I need to acomplish.

1 point

I'm for the immigration reform because when immigrants come to this country they try and get jobs, so then the people lose hours in their job. When losing hours in jobs, you can't support your family.

1 point

Since your already weathly you should think of what the unhealthy people are going though. As a child, i need money to support my family and to spend the money i earn on stuff i like. As hard as i work i diserve the minimum wage.

1 point

But even though we can work, we are young children and were not capible of doing everything that an adult is capable of. Also, we like to do other stuff in our free time so we should be able to have time off when we get the oppertunity.

1 point

I agree with minimum wage because as a child making $7.25 is good. That means i can buy whatever i want for the earnings i get because i work hard at what i do. So, if there wasn't a minimum wage than adults would get paid more than children. Since we have a minimum wage than we get equal pay for the equal work we do, even though us children can't work as hard as adults.

1 point

A 40 hour work week would be better for me than a 60 hour work week just because i would have time to hang out with friends or even spend time with my family. Also, i can do more activities that i like and maybe even sleep. I should also look at education a little more than what i have been.

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