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Cjhauser's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cjhauser's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with this. Not only are these computers helping us learn and take lessons and find information online, we are saving paper and everything we write or talk about we have on our computer. We dont have to shuffle through papers or folders to find an assignment

1 point

I agree Scott Walker has saved Wisconsin a lot of money. We were in major debt and Scott Walker helped us out of it. Other jobs don't allow paid HealthCare and other jobs shouldn't either. Right now he is helping this state move forward.

1 point

But most of America is using abortion as a birth control. Less than a fourth of abortion cases are because of rape. Most of them are un-planed pregnancy's, and she should at least try to support it first. She shouldn't just abort it right away and basicly kill it before it lives.

1 point

I don't think bullying is always a bad thing. People do grow strong and learn from it. But excesive bulling and hurtful words can being down the person being bullied. They should be able to suck it up, its ok but up to a point where it's just mean and hurtful.

1 point

I agree. All people no matter what their beliefs are are people. They should have the same rights and be treated and looked at no different than any other person. If you don't like the idea of gay marriage then don't get married to the same sex. We don't want our rights taken away and we shouldn't start taking away oother peoples right because they belief in something different.

1 point

I agree with this. We are letting them into our country and cross the border way to easily. Some of them are criminals and getting into our country as free men. If we see them crossing the border, we should take authority and shoot them down.

2 points

The Death Penalty should be lifted for some capital crimes

Supporting Evidence: (
1 point

Obama's doing the right thing and has a good government policy but should tax the rich more than average Americans

1 point

Liberal, we need to change right now because mnay buisnesses are failing

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