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This personal waterfall shows you all of Chadbenti's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Prohibition doesn't work, because when prohibit Alcohol and Marijuana, and when you prohibit Stuff it makes more people want to do it.

1 point

Some American men went to Great Britten and France to become pilots and Solders in WWI, but this was before America joined the war. I think it’s because of the money you can get from flying and fighting. But when the United States joined the men who came before joined the American forces.

1 point

At the end of WWI all the blame went to Germany, so that pretty much started WWII, but at the end of WWII we rebuilt Germany and Japan, but I think its possible that WWIII could start in the Middle East, because I think someone is going to do something to Iran or Iran is going to do something to someone. It's possibly that Israel might be a target.

1 point

I think World War 1 got the world in to the modern age of war, because all wars fought before WWI, you lined up and you shot, and it was in an open field. But in WWI it introduced the use of chemicals in war, and it used more trench warfare, trench warfare was used in the past but it was used in WWI more than in the past.

1 point

I agree, but we need some of these laws to keep the peace. If we just total took out the laws there would be no peace. Robbers barons would come up again and people would get ripped off and there would be a lot of crimes and more stuff that would be bad.

2 points

No because some of those things should be kept safe. We should also move forward not backward. We should also keep the environment safe, and should not have the swamps and marshes paved over. I also think the president should make public jobs not government jobs. I also think that we should make the giant electrical fence on the Mexico border, so they have to go through the border portal.

2 points

How would you like it if somebody came over and bet you up? That would hurt! So let my heir somebody to bet you up. I was just joking I am to nice to bet you up. Just telling you how I would feel if I was in their place you know what I mean.

1 point

I think unions are still needed because I people might become like a robber baron. But yet the world has changed so I think we don’t need them (that’s my opinion of the normal Chad Benti, not the unionized worker). But as the unionized worker, I think we need them because people might think their money is more important then people.

1 point

I think unions are still needed because I people might become like a robber baron. But yet the world has changed so I think we don’t need them (that’s my opinion of the normal Chad Benti, not the unionized worker). But as the unionized worker, I think we need them because people might think their money is more important then people.

1 point

The pinker tons are not needed because they betted innocent citizens. They also arrested many just for protesting, and did many other things. So pinker tons were not needed, but they still hired them. I think the police should stop them from doing these things, and they should stop the robber barons from hiring them.

1 point

I think working 60 hours for 7 days is like slavery. And if you are going to work 60 hours you should paid more.

2 points

How would you like it if you got paid $7.25 an hour. So I think it should be higher.

1 point

I my self think minimum wage should be higher. So I can have a bigger payment so I can support my family.

1 point

I have a question for you. How would you like to get paid $2.00 an hour. If you said I would like to get paid more, that's how I fell.

2 points

I agree how do they think I can help my family with a 60 hours work week

1 point

Do you want your workers be dead!!!! I don't think so. I think you want your workers to be killed in work work palace. You killer.

1 point

I like my $7.25, and I don’t want it lower. If I got paid $4.00 I would be mad. Because I, in real life, work 4 hours a week, and if I got paid $4.00 that’s only $16.00, not $29.00 a week. So I will stay with $7.25 not $4.00.

1 point

I think we should have 40 hours. Because 60 hours is too long, and is too hard and some employees are falling asleep on the equipment and getting hurt with stupid things. We should have 40 hours not 60 hours. So I will stay with my union. That’s my point of view on 40 hours.

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