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1 point

Politicians often spend thousands or even millions of dollars on their campaigns and promoting themselves. I think that this is a waste of money. Think of all of the other things that the money could be put towards...the United States is in a tremendous amount of debt. I would vote for the next politician that saves the money for the people and uses it to help our country, state, or place that they represent.

1 point

This link has changed my viewpoint...

It states that women who go through sexual assault don't want abortion because it gives them more trauma.

1 point

I agree Maddie. Our country is so segragated when it comes to beliefs and opinions. It keeps driving us farther and farther apart..we have a shattered when it comes to being one country.

1 point

I agree Tessa! if youre raped..and you're 16 years old. How can anyone expect you to pay for the baby and go through the pain. It's not right. There are certain limits to who should be able to abort though for sure!

1 point

Scott walker isn't helping anything. Everything that he has done for Wisconsin that in "his eyes" are helping weren't said when he was running for governer. I know for a fact that if he would have said all of the things he was going to do, he would not be governer right now. Three more years of walker will disable our state and we can't afford it. That is the reason for his recall and that is the reason that he is put up for recall. After all there are 1 million signatures. And this article states that. ( )

1 point

People in jail shouldn't be given the amount that they have. Putting them in jail isn't helping our country as much as it should. In this article ( it states that lethal injections cost more than the death penalty. It wastes thousands of dollars.

1 point

Obama isn't doing our country any good. He said that he would get us out of the hole that were in, but he has done nothing of that. If anything our country has gotten worse when it comes to debt, and the economy.

1 point

I agree with you maggie but to some extent. In order to improve our economy, we need to have a little innovation and certainty from our leaders. Yeah it will need time, but if we focus on giving it time, it might just get worse. We need to point it toward some dirrection, so that we know it will improve.

1 point

I believe that abortion should be allowed in certain situations. If someone is raped and is going through that trauma, why should they have to go through pregnancy and foremost; why would they want the baby? Of course it is still half a part of her, but the other half is his. Because rape pregnancies aren’t common, abortion shouldn’t be commonly used. Some people are completely against abortion because they consider it violence of an innocent baby. Think about it, rape is violence and going through with the pregnancy would make her remember it even more for the rest of her life. Getting unwillingly pregnant should not allow the mother to be punished. She should be able to make her own decision when it comes to keeping the baby or not. In other situations, by willingly getting pregnant or not acting safe, I don’t believe abortion should be allowed. If they make a bad decision, it is their fault and they should not be able to end a life.

1 point

Maggie, you and only you would bring bon jovi into this (:

1 point

I completely agree with you aja, some people work so hard for their money, and are still middleclass. Yet theyre taxed more over the rich people who either barely work or work just as hard? not rightttt.

1 point

Most professional atheletes get paid millions everyday. Millionares don't need all of there money to survive, while some people barely have enough money to survive. Why tax the people that don't have money? Taxing millionares is a great way to get our government back on track because they don't always need the amount of money that they have.

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