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This personal waterfall shows you all of Balbers's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Another problem with prohibition is the fact that you have to smuggle it in and it causes different groups like gangs and cartels. It also causes the corruption of power in the government.

2 points

Prohibition does not work, because people will always be able to sneak the illegal substances into the country somehow. And this causes problems, because it causes many conflicts and casualties between the government and the smugglers, but the government will never be able to stop the smuggling entirely.

1 point

the reason is that the U.S. is the only country that wanted to make a canal to use as a trade route, which helped us out great.

1 point

It was difficult, but the price of going there was worth it, becuase there was a lot of land and gold around the area that they were traveling to.

1 point

But also the businesses were different than back than, because they had a lot less laws, so it is a little different than it is today.

2 points

I agree with you, because he did have some good moments and some bad moments, but he showed the nation how to do business.

1 point

I didn't say we would of have a revolution against hem, I just noted that it wuld be different if we did not decide to have a revolution against Britain.

1 point

And also it could create bad health issues for the kids when they grow up and become adults, so they may have diseaes or issues when the are older.

1 point

That is a good point, because the Austrians used Imperialsim to try to gain control of the Serbians.

1 point

That is a good point and I found it surprising when the totla number of traitors from america was 0. It shows how much loyalty people have to one country.

1 point

The Zimmerman Telegram was actually was the biggest factor in joining the war with the allies, but there may have been smaller factors that were leading us into the war, but the telegram was the spark that started the fire.

1 point

Also, millions of people's lives would have been saved and the cost of the war would have been used on things of everyday life. Also it could have been used for research, so our technology may have been better in a shorter amount of time.

1 point

And also they got paid poorly, which made it even worse. Another is that it kept them out of school, so they wouldn't have as good of an education.

1 point

If the panama canal wasn't built it would hurt the entire U.S., because there were many different ships that went through there. Examples: Battleships, Tankers, and Freight ships. It would have hurt the U.S. in costs big time.

1 point

Somehow there were many immigrants that still wanted to come here, so that is an interesting fact.

1 point

I agree that it would have not been the same if we did not revolt, but also there would still be some similar traits we still have.

1 point

It also helped our military greatly, because it made a shortcut to the pacific, which eventually helped during WW2

1 point

I think thaat the movie "All along the western front" showed me how bad WW1 was and that many soldiers struggled to stay focused and not go crazy.

1 point

Without Teddy Roosevelt's reformation, business would still have been able to cheat their workers into very low wages and bad working conditions. Another reason is that the acts and laws he passed bettered the quality of life for all people.

1 point

I also think it shows how hard it was to be an immigrant, because there were so many hardships and you had to work very hard to be able to survive.

1 point

Without the Zimmerman Telegram we probably would have stayed nuetral, because then we wouldn't have felt under pressure.

1 point

I think that WW1 was very split between the Central and Allied powers, because we had stronger ties with Great Britain, but most of the population in America was German. I think the reason we joined the Allied powers is that the Germans were stopping our trading to Briatain and other countries, and also all the threats they put on the U.S.

1 point

I wonder how WW1 would have gone if we did not receive the Zimmerman telegram telling the Mexicans they could have a part of the U.S. if they joined the Germans?

1 point

I agree, because there wasn't any real evidence of the Spanish blowing up the Maine, the yellow journalists just wanted to start a war against the Spanish.

-2 points
1 point

Pinkertons are unneccesary, because if you paid your workers better, they wouldn't go on strike and then your company wouldn't have any problems.

1 point

I agree with you Aron, because peopel have different talents today, and people are not workin on the assembly line anymore, but they still do jobs that do need a little different pay.

1 point

I agree with you Cody, because Pinkertons use unneccesary force and they can show bad examples for child workers, and that could be a problem later down the road.

1 point

If you made good negotiations, the union workers wouldnt go on strike and then you wouldn't have to worry about your employees not working. So the main point is to give employees good salaries.

1 point

Pinkertons stop strikes, and that helps companies and causes most union workers to get reprimanded and could reduce pay. As a union worker, I believe that Pinkertons are an unneccesary use of force against strikes.

1 point

I think that we should have kept collective bargaining because it then they will be able to negotiate a fair salary that the companies may not want to give to employees.

1 point

I don't think that unions are needed anymore, because people now have more training and specialize in different areas and I don't think that everyone should get paid the same for different jobs. Now that machines do most of the factory work today, people need to be able to process and be educated in many areas in order to get a job, so they would have to go to college and then that gives you a big loan to try to pay back, that's why you should get a higher raise than someone who didn't go to college. And that is what unions believe in, equal pay no matter how much training you need.

1 point

I agree with you Jake, because some of the jobs are a little more dangerous and stressful and that could really ruin a child's life. Another reason is that older union workers really need to get jobs and work to make money, while the children are dependent on their family and they really don't have to pay for much of their own necessities.

0 points

I agree with this bill, because it would make kids work less and give Union workers, like myself, a chance to get a job. It would also be a lot easier to put these tasks on union workers, because they do not have school or educations that they have to go to, while the all the working children have to go to school and work after, so it would be very tiring for children and not so much for union workers.

1 point

The only problem you would have is that Americans would not consume as much of your products if you let immigrants work instead of Americas, so you may be having less expense, but your income would also be much smaller too.

1 point

The only problem you would have is that Americans would not consume as much of your products if you let immigrants work instead of Americas, so you may be having less expense, but your income would also be much smaller too.

1 point

I don't think we need anymore immigrants, because they could start taking away the jobs of the citizens that already live here. I want to believe that my kids and grandkids will be able to live a good life and be able to work, but if the immigrants keep coming, there would be too hard of a contest for a job. It would be like hitting the jackpot to get a job.

1 point

I agree with you Jake, because then a skilled worker would be willing to do his job with more quality because he has a better pay. And if he didn't have a very good salary, he would care less in his work and the company's products aren't as good.

1 point

I disagree with you Kollin, because there should be at least a base rule that keeps you're employees a little happier because otherwise they could be underpaid too much and cause problems within the compay. It should be high enough that it doesn't cause you to go out of business, and just enough for you to make a small profit of your own.

1 point

The only problem with working so long is that it causes many problems with family issues and causes people to get frustrated and causes many conflicts within a company, so it could cause the company to have a low morale and that is not good for business.

1 point

I believe there should a limit, becauuse otherwise people who not have a chance to enjoy the things outside of work. Another reason is that the working conditions are poor and people would get tired and possibly cause injury to themselves or others.

1 point

I agree with Collin, because we then the workers can have more free time to enjoy life and the free time. Another reason is because fatigue and tiredness could cause errors and you could injure yourself, because you may not be entirely awake while doing your job.

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