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RSS Glander26

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

still he made us momre into debt and he cant get us out of it and in stead of trying to get money he just wates more money

1 point

if yu get raped and you cant support it then yes its okay

2 points

most people dont like it. its fine for gays and lesbains to hold hands just like anyone else but lmost people dont want to see them amking out or like anyone else,

1 point

yeha if the glass want there she would of gotten gurt, but still its a zoe and they do have the special glass so animals cant get out. so if you really think about she wasnt in danger.

1 point

actually no. you dont just head about the bad thing FYI. you hear about everything its just inly the bad things end up on the news. it may not aLWAYS hurt people.. why dont you go as some people who have been bullied and see if it does hurt them. they might actually say it made them tronger. think

1 point

agreed, more people are comming over and thats causing more trouble for us that we can handle. it also starts more gangs and fight and shooting. badddd mexicans

1 point

agreed. i feel like the only reason obama got in is becasue he was black and peopole wanted a lack president. nothing against them but he had no idea what he was doinng adn he still has no idea. he was the biggest mistake ever for a president

1 point

its a right of choice if raped, or at risk of the baby getting killed or you getting killed. this proves it

Supporting Evidence: ''It can be okay in some cases'' (
1 point

mitt romney will be the new president. theres no way people will vote obama back in office after all the trouble he put us through.

1 point

parents dont want their kids to show ''PDA'' anway! yeah there parents might be upset that their child but strait or gay it doesnt matter, parent wont want either of them to do it

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