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Tewoelfel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tewoelfel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Brianna- but the people who are protesting obivisouly arent working. Maybe they shoul stop being lazy and try to get the any job that can pay any money.

1 point

We should be a little liberral so we accept the bills and laws that will help our country.

2 points

Why tax the rich they worked hard for their money and now people are wanting to take thier money away. THe 99% are complaining on wall street, they're not working maybe they should get jobs before complaining.

4 points

I think away for us to help our economy we should stop letting so many people come in to the US. Becausse we don;t have jobs for people herre so why would people come here thinking jobs are there for them. That is partcially why most people are in debt because of jobs.

1 point

I think in politics right now we should be more conservative, because goverrnment should'nt give out so many bail outs. People should work for thier own money, instead of living off of government checks.

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