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Meghanroelse's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Meghanroelse's arguments, looking across every debate.

How much different was the food industry before the food reform? Before the food reform food was not good quality at all and all proportions were unequal. Before the food reform spoiled animals were used for meat and chalk was used in bread. Water was added to wine so they wouldn’t have to waste wine and could make it last longer. Something called scientific management came into play and it said that everything had to be the same portions and spoiled animals and vegetables could no longer be used.


What do you think are the biggest differences from child labor today from the late 19th century? Child labor today is a lot less extreme then it was in the late 19th century, now a days kids in school have a certain number of hours they can work during a school week and have minimum wage and don’t have bad working conditions, although places like Nike have child labor it isn’t as cruel as it was in the late 19th century kids would get paid very little only enough to provide for their family and didn’t have good working conditions at all.


As a business owner I agree with you Pinkertons are necessary, if people want to complain and take their jobs for granted there are many other people out there who would love these jobs instead.

I agree with you brooke if none of the workers get a say its not really fair, collective bargaining makes it so workers can also have a say what happenes in their jobs.

I have to agree with the collective bargaining. Without collective bargaining workers could get fired for no reason even if they are doing their job well which isn't fair at all. Collective bargaining also gives business owers and workers an attempt to negotiate to try and agree on one thing, this can be used for hours, wages, and working conditions

I definitely agree with you taylor without collective bargaining workers wouldn't have rights and could be fired for know reason which wouldn't be fair.

I agree with what you said, unions make communication civilzed between businesses and workers. They can communicate easier with eachother and give each other new and improved ideas to make the company or business.

I think that unions are still needed. Now adays we have much better working conditions so they aren't necessarily needed for that, but they are still needed. With different unions you can have different benefits and unions keep everyone in control, so all of the power doesn't go to one person.

As a wealthy business owner I disagree with this statement I think that if you were lucky enough to get a job back then you shouldn't be wasting your time trying to protest against my business. Also if you really don't want to work and protest you are losing a huge part of income for your family and you might not have enough money to provide for your family.

As a wealthy business owner I am for the Pinkertons, the Pinkertons were people who acted like cops to break up the protests. This is a very good thing for my business because my business should be a place of work and not a place to fool around. The pinkertons will come in and help my business run smothly. This is also a disadvantage for the workers because instead of working and getting paid they are worried about protesting against my business

As a wealthy business owner I disagree with this statement. I understand that you are a working mother and concerend about your child, but if your child stopped working you would lose a lot of money. Your child's money counts for some of your family income and without them you won't be making as much money to provide for them.

0 points

As a weathly business owner I am against the Keating-Owen Bill. I think that having kids work benefits themselves along with their family. The kids provide for a part of their families income and without them working the family might not have as much money to provide for everyone. With children working it can increase the amount of things that get done in my business

As a wealthy business owner I am disagree with this post, with more immigrants coming in to America it is going to save me a lot of money. I will still keep some jobs for people from America, but ones that take their jobs for granted won't be working for me anymore, and those jobs will go to the immigrants for cheaper labor.

As a wealthy business owner I am agianst Immagration Reform because immigration reform puts limits on the amount of immigrants coming into America. I am against this becuase with more immigrants coming in looking for jobs this is a lot cheaper for my business. I can pay the same amount of immigrants as people I have working now for a much less price and that will save a lot of money in the long run.

As a wealthy business owner I disagree with this because you don't need all that much time to rest and it is only adding 2 hours to everyday and something positive would be that you make more money.

As a wealthy business owner I disagree with this. Yes, I would pay my workers less but not by much, you would still be able to provide for your family, but it would help for the business and the econmy a little bit more and in the long run might help you!

As a wealthy business owner I don't totally agree with a minimun wage of $7.25. I would like it if I could pick how much to pay my workers, I wouldn't pay them as much which would be a disadvantage. It would help me in the long run because with more money I could expand the building I am working in and hire more people to work and our business could move fast.

3 points

As a wealthy business owner I disagree with the 40 hour work week. I would rather have my business be working a 60 hour week, this would benefit the business and the workers. If we raised the hours we could make more money for the business and the workers themselves would get more to provide for their families.

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