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Kneils's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kneils's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I dont think that prohibition ever worked or ever will work. Limiting people to something they have easy access to such as alcohol or even drugs today, makes them want to more. People are always trying to break the law and always take it as far as they can until they get caught. During history, prohibtion never slowed anyone down. I believe that their should be laws against using drugs or drinking alcohol while operating vehicles because it impares your judgement and many other things. But can we really stop people from using marijuana today? Shouldnt we be more worried about the cops catching rapists or murderers and not trying to catch someone for smoking marijuana that isnt affecting other people. I also think that doing it publically should be illegal because it can affect others around you. Even though it isnt right and morally we know that we shouldnt hurt our bodies, we can't stop everyone from doing it and it is never going to be stopped so we need to worry about other more important crimes.

1 point

The twin towers was a spark on the war today just like the USS Maine in the Spanish American war. The only difference is that we had evidence that Iraq and the Al Quaida did it and the Spanish were never proven guilty for blowing up the Maine

1 point

They were all told that they were supposed to go to war to support their nation and werent really sure why they were there. This is probably one of the reasons that they lost because with soldiers not knowing what they were supposed to do, they werent going to know how to fight and what they were fighting for

1 point

This link shows other effects of the war including the fight over Cuba and Puerto Rico. That shows that the explosion wasnt the only thing that started the war

1 point

There are some signs of racism seen every day by name calling and the racist jokes that are being said. I believe that it begins with the parents of the children. The children learn from their parents and if they hear their parents talking about it they will bring it to school and spread it to others. The only way we can stop it is by getting the adults so grow up and not be racist

1 point

I agree that it is all the knew. They were taught that the were doing it for their families and I think that this made them feel more like adults and like they werent children anymore.

1 point

I think that even without it we would have began the war because we already had major tension before that. The Zimmerman Telegram did spark the war at the end but other things could have happened besides the telegram that could have possibly sparked it if the telegram was never sent

1 point

I believe that it can be a distraction sometimes but it definately allows you to research more and gain more information from other sites. I think that it depends on the people that are using it.

1 point

Yea this is true but why? why do you think that though? I think that they showed it by bringing the war into another country and by beginning the war in the first place. The yellow journalism began the war and the US could have stayed out of it but instead the went to fight Spain over something that may never have happened. The "explosion" of the USS Maine

1 point

This is true because the Canal shotened the trip extremely and let us use less gas which saved alot of money because of the high prices of oil.

1 point

This sounds right because they are trying to get oil from the middle east and by doing that they have to take out other countries. They want power all the time and the should come to agreements instead of always wiping others out.

1 point

I think Imperialism is a good thing because if you want to be a great country you need power. You can't be the best without the most power. And even though it caused wars, it was countries trying to become the best. Everyone wants to be the best at what they do and you have to be good or powerful to do it.

1 point

I agree with that because never revolting would have never made us a powerhouse. We needed to revolt and fight for our freedom

1 point

There would have still been a war because the newspapers would have found a way to make it happen. It happened to be the USS Maine that they brought up but they could have made anyone believe anything so even if they said the Spanish did it, a war would have began.

1 point

I agree with this but it isnt all for the money. They also want to gain more control over countries to become the most dominant in the world since China is rising greatly. They want to make sure that we dont lose our 1 spot in the world

1 point

I dont agree with you aron because we would have had a much weaker military and wouldnt have been able to compete against the powerhouses like Germany. If Germany would have won the first one we wouldnt have been able to gain Independence back.

1 point

They had never thought that it was going to be that bad until it happened. People take advantage of laws until they are made and that's what business men did. They wanted money and they did whatever they could to get more of it. The laws werent going to be made earlier because nothing like it had happened before so they had nothing to make these laws for until children did begin to work

1 point

I agree with you because WWI let to the major events of WWII happen. If Germany would have won the first war then he may have never come to power and the second war would never have began since he started it by blaming everything on the jews.

1 point

All Quiet on the Western Front showed us what happened in World War 1 with the trench warfare. It gives us an image of what really happened and shows how there was a huge stall in this type of war. Armies would penetrate and then retreat and then keep on doing it multiple times and that is why so many people died without anyone really winning the war.

1 point

Exploration and Colonization was probably the most important topic we talked about because it’s the first thing that happened and without it we wouldn’t have a United States and none of our other topics would have ever been talked about.

1 point

The building of the Panama Canal influenced our history greatly. It allowed people to travel places in sometimes half of the time of what it would normally take to go all the way around the tip of South America. This was much needed and still helps us today.

1 point

Our history had some major things happen such as the Industrialization era and without it our lives would be much different. It began what we have today; big businesses and it also brought the world many new innovations.

4 points

I belive that we can start to repeal some progressive era reforms to start getting jobs for more people but at the same time i think that we need to protect certain things like civil rights and the environment. We can gain many more jobs by taking away some small reforms and we need to gain jobs in the world. It doesnt help that there is an overwhelming population in the world to fill with jobs.

1 point

How will that make youn want to rebel? they are just there to stop people from getting out of control and starting mobs. The pinkertons help everyone out in this situation by keeping the workers safe from others on strike and by keeping the business out of harms way. You have the right to say what you want and go on strike but you dont have the right to be on my business property doing it so the pinkertons will keep you off of it also

1 point

You can go on strike whenever and i am ok with that but it will get way out of control like everyone of them does and then when you are getting hurt because people are going crazy, you will wish that the Pinkertons were there to stop all of it. So we do need them

1 point

workers should have a small say but the owner should be able to set his own rules for his business. If they dont want to work for the owner then they dont have to and he will go out of business. People will only work at businesses they like and the owners know this so they should treat their employees well if they want to keep them there.

1 point

I agree with this. Money should be taken away in taxes for everyone and not just put on a certain group. This makes it unfair for public employers because most are educating or helping our cities or the people in them

1 point

I agree with this becasue I think that if they should be able to bargain then everyone else should be able to. But at the same time, we shouldnt take away all of the money just from them. I also think that we should be taking it away from everyone so that everything is equal.

2 points

I think that people need their rights but i dont think they should have as much say as their boss or owner. Without collective bargaining owners can make whatever rules they want which isnt right but the boss should still have a small say over the employees. He/she should be able to run their business however they want it. But also, the employees shouldnt be able to get fired for no reason.

1 point

I also think that Pinkerton's will relieve me of having to deal with the problem. If I am having to deal with the problem of strikers battling on my property, then I cant effectively run my business. I would then lose money and my business would slow down. The workers can start a strike whenever they wanted and if they dont want my business to do well they will always do it. So without the Pinkertons to handle these problems business life would change for almost any owner

1 point

I think that is true but almost every strike that happens turns crazy and we need them there just in case. Which you also agree with so you think that Pinketon's are needed by saying that unless people get violent. If we dont have Pinkerton's and something goes out of control then we have no one to stop them

1 point

Since I am a business owner, we need Pinkerton's to help us control our businesses too so that people cant just go crazy and go on violent strikes. If they want to strike and say bad things they can but if it becomes violent then we definately need them. Our workplaces should actually be for work and not a place to kill others over small things such as not getting paid enough. Pinkertons are needed!!!!

1 point

But if your family really wants the money then your children need to be working! They cant make money at home sleeping. 8 in the morning till 6 at night isnt that much worse than getting done at 4. So you should be arguing for this bill so that your children dont lose their jobs to other immigrants.

2 points

I am against this bill because i think that if these kids really need the money that they say they need, than they should have to work for it and if they want that money then they should work long hours and prove that they are working hard. If they work long, hard hours then maybe I will give them a raise in their wage, but if they only want to work for a few hours in the day just to get a few dollars than they shouldnt get payed more. If they do pass this bill, it is hurting the children because then i will hire only immigrants and they will lose all of their jobs and never make a dime. They should want this bill to fail so that they can actually make some money instead of losing their jobs to another person.

1 point

In your last debate you were for a 20 hour work week over a 40 hour week. So if we bring in immigrants to work, then you arent going to have to work as much and you will have the extra free time that you wanted. So wouldnt you be for the immigrants coming to america?

1 point

But in the last debate you were complaining that you needed a 20 hour work week instead of a forty hour work week and now you are complaing that people would be taking work time away from you. And i dont understand why you say that you are against it but that you are very happy if it happened. Wouldnt you be for it if you want more work time????

1 point

I think that since i am a wealthy business owner that they shouldnt limit the number of immigrants that come to America because we need them for our company since i can pay them the same amount as a child and get more and better work done from them. This would benefit children too by not making them work as much and letting them get more education so that they can get better jobs when they get older. We need more immigrants to run our businesses because our businesses will then be able to thrive more with the more money we will have.

1 point

But I should be able to pay a worker 5 dollars an hour if they arent working hard enough. If you can prove to me, as a business owner, that you are a hard worker, than i will pay you more than that. If you dont think that i am not paying you enough than you can find a new job and my business will run out of money and employees. So if i need to keep my business running than i have to pay my workers more so that they dont quit. But i am not going to pay you 7.25 if you do not deserve it

1 point

But why should we have to pay you a certain amount? why cant we decide how much we pay you according to how much you work? i think that if you are a hard working person no matter your age you should get paid more than someone who just comes in and is there for the money. I know some people would take advantage of not paying there workers alot of money but than their business wont run because no one will want to work there.

1 point

I dont think that there should be a minimum wage. As a business owner, i believe that i should be able to pay my workers however much i want. If they dont work and are just there to have a job and get money, than they shouldnt get paid as much as a person who comes in and works as hard as they can. If they are not working then why shouldnt i be able to pay them 5 dollars an hour? If you are going to work as hard as you can and you are going to get your job done in 2 hours than i will pay you 20 dollars per hour but i think it should be payed by how much work you do, not how long you work.

1 point

Clay, I dont care that you are only 8 years old. I need the money to stay in business, and if you dont work those extra 20 hours in the week, then i have to find someone else to pay during those 20 hours. I could keep my employees down and being paying less money. There are 168 hours in a weeek and you can work 60, sleep 60 and that leaves 48 hours to do anything else. So you cant complain about not having free time. That is 2 full days of free time. Getting 60 hours of sleep is more than the average person needs so you wouldnt be tired at work so stop complaining and suck it up.

1 point

I am very much against this as a rich business owner. I think that they should work the time that they are given and if their boss wants them to work 60 hours then you should. You can work from 8 in the morning until 6 at night during the week and get a few more hours in on the weekend. That isnt that tough and if you really want more money you are going to have to work for it. Maybe children should be a little less than adults but they should still work more than 40 hours if they need the money.

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