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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kendrakrimm's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree,we had to show them that were powerful.

We had to look big and try and do what we had to do to support it.

1 point

I agree, we had to show them and let them know that we weren't afraid to keep fighting for what we deserve, and that we wouldn't give up or back down.

1 point

I agree, we had to show them that we weren't afraid to fight against other people, and that we wouldn't back down.

1 point

I agree. Our country would have so much more peace and more free.

1 point The Spanish American war wasn't scared to go around telling other countries around them that they wouldn't back off and back down, they would keep fighting.

1 point

I think we should still be moving forward, we can always come back and improve. By stopping now it'll just get us behind. The civil rights should be further expanded so that citizens and everybody of the United States are safe.

1 point

Yes, I think unions are still needed because they are a good rescource for workers to get met by.

1 point

The children work more than the parents/family to. They're the ones supporting the family, it's all them. All you guys do is complain. The kids make the money, not you.

1 point

We have the right to make our own rights, and decisions. It shouldn't be up to them, I agree, they should just get rid of them, all there doing is causing more harm than anything.

1 point

Nobody ever asked anybody to stay, leave, it's not any harm to us.

We have the right to make our own decisons and have our own opinions.

1 point

We have rights, you can't just take them away from us. We have the right to make up our own decisions. You can't just boss us around, we never asked anybody to stay.

You can leave, go ahead it's no harm. Just let us have the right and make our own decisions.

1 point

I am against this, who ever forced you to stay? You can just stand up and leave for all I care, I never asked you to stay. We didn't grab you by the hand and tie you down to stay.

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