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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jfaust's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

There are laws that mandate how many sick days and such workers are given. No matter what, bosses can't take these away without consequences or worker compensation.

2 points

There are laws that prevent unreasonable termination. The union would not be able to do anything more than what the government already does. If the boss does find a reason to fire someone, unions can't do anything to prevent it.

2 points

State employees need collective bargaining because they have different conditions then people who work at stores. People who work at stores have unions and can strike. It is illegal for state employees like teachers to strike, therefore they need collective bargaining so that they can have good conditions without disrupting things. The alternative to collective bargaining is state employees attempting to strike which will greatly disrupt things like education and law enforcement.

2 points

It isn't just comlaining about working conditions. There are serious issues that involve collective bargaining. There are aslo some issues that don't directly involve current working conditions like retirement and health care. Without collective bargaining these things can be taken from employees.

2 points

We are not able to quit because it is very difficult to get a job and the ones that are hiring have the same poor conditions. The pinkerton prevent us from striking, which is the only way to improve the working conditions at any job.

1 point

I think that Wisconsin state employees need collective bargaining. Without collectivebargaining, Wisconsin employees can have their rights stripped without any say. Collective bargaining helps employees get rights througha fair process of negotiations.

1 point

Pinkertons are violent and wrong. As a unionized worker I think that we should have the right to strike. We will never get more right if the Pinkertons beat us everytime we time we strike. Strikes are the only way for us to get rights, and Pinkertons take that away. Pinkertons and wrong and cruel.

3 points

I don't think that unions are still needed. During industrialization unions were needed to get better working conditions. Now we have laws that insure good working conditions. There is a minimum wage law and safety laws. There are also child safety laws that limit how many hours can be worked. Unions no longer need to negotiate for what they want because the government controlls what happens at the workplace.

1 point

If you don't want your child working then you can decide to not have your child work, but some of us workers can't get by without another paycheck. My family needs the money to survive. Families can make the choice to have children work or not with government laws.

1 point

Hiring immagrants takes money away from those of us who are current hard working Americans. We need the money to stay in t he American working class. We have families to support to and we can't compete with the immagrants for jobs.

-2 points
1 point

I am for Immagration Reform because immagration takes jobs from us workers. The bosses will do whatver they can to save money and will hire the Immagrants to save money. This takes away my job and I will be unable to feed my family. We should keep the jobs for the current workers, not the Immagrants. If we want this country to be prosperous, we have to give jobs to the American citizens.

1 point

If workers have to work 60 hours a week instead of 40, they will become fatigued and disgruntled. More work will be done at first, but eventually, employees will not work as hard. Less and less products will be made and the quality will decrease.

2 points

Even if an employee is able to quit your job because they want higher pay, without minimum wage their might not be higher paying jobs. If you pay one cent and every other job pays 2 cents, employees still can make a living, even if they switch jobs.

1 point

As a unionized worker, I think minimum wage is a good thing. If there is no minimum wage, then bosses can pay workers pennies a day. The bosses will get rich while the workers are unable to provide for their family. This is not fair to employees. If workers don't have money to spend, businesses won't be able to grow becuase no one while buy their products.

2 points

As a unionized worker, I suppose a forty hour workweek. The bosses want to save money by making workers work for sixty hours or more. The government should get more involved and set standards. Workers are unable to spend time with family and take care of children if they are always working.

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