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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cptcrunch's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

the democrats are afraid of the voter id laws because the law would cut down on illegal voters and they are worried that they might loose without the illegal votes

0 points

The US reconstruction was mostly a success, but we still have people flying confederate flags and supporting slavery, and we still have two groups of people who constantly fight with each other.

1 point

after the civil war the us had to reconstruct its country. the reconstruction did not require much building of ruined towns because the battles were fought out in fields or forests. the main tasks were to reunite its people,free the slaves, and build a new economy in the south. Iraq is different because it was not divided because of civil war but because of war with the united states. Also lots more city and infrastructure must be rebuilt in Iraq because the war was fought in the cities and tows.

1 point

if just ten people voted ten times, that would be 100 votes and that could make a huge difference.

1 point

the voter id law has nothing to do with how smart the voter is. its just to prove who you are

1 point

There was an election in Kansas that was won by 312 votes, and after a recount 341 of those votes were fraudulent.

1 point

A voter id should be required because when you go in to vote they ask who you are and cross your name off a list without confirming that that is who you really are. that allows for frauds and people who are not citizens to vote. You already need to show an id when you register so why not bring the same id when you vote?

2 points

making drugs illegal is a waste of money and resources, there is no reason to NOT make them legal. people shuld have the choice of what they want to do with their body, the government should not be telling peope what the can do to themselves. if they want to do it, then they should be able to do it, and their probably going to do it anyway. its also terrible that the minimum sentence for murder is less then you can get for posession of marajuana.-- of drugs can get you over 16 years.

2 points

i do not beleive illegal aleins should have any rights whatsoever, coming here illegaly forfited any rights you might have had. i also dontbelieve that illegal immagrants should be able to become a citizen by crossing the border illegally, and having a baby.the government should still kick them out.

1 point

americans havent forgotten that this is the land of oppurtunty. Most americans are ready and willing to work, but all the jobs are takedn by the illegal immigrants.

2 points

before walker wisconsin was down 150,000 jobs since walker wisconsin has added thousands of jobs and nobody will recognise that. he has done so much good for wisconsin but people think he is destroying wisconsin because the democrats dont like him.

2 points 16/house-to-vote-on-concealed-firearm-permit-bill/

article on concealed carry, definetly a good thing for wisconsin, there should be no ristrictions on what people do with their firearms.

1 point

i belive concealed carry is a good idea because peole should have the freedom to carry a concealed weapon. its not like unconceale carry was illegal, why should concealed carry be?

i also think that there should not be any government regulations and restrictions on guns, you have the right to bear arms, and no government should be messing with that.

1 point

i aggre that computers and cell phones are helpful in todays society, but they are not a necessity. people forgrt that you dont need any of theese things, if you want to see a house often times there are brochures and other documents you can get to get info from, you can also talk to the realtor about the house. if you ant to talk, or go see the house, you can always see the reltor, or send paper mail. its not that difficult, though is a bit more inconvenient.

1 point

i completly disagree with the legal drinking age. 21 is ridiculus. if you legay become an adult at 18 then you should be able to drink then too. this is also a stupid law because when you turn 18 you can join the militay, become a highly trained killer and go out to war and risk your life for your country, but your country wont let you drink alcohol or purchase 308 ammo until you turn 21.--,2933,333790,00.html

1 point

i also think that the case should have gone to faser. you have the right to say what you want, you cant always determine what a person really meant by what they said. fasers speech could be viewed as appropriate or border-line inapropriate, but i do not think that is was inappropriate enough to take away his right of free speech in his senior graduation.

1 point

i think abortion is fine, and that it should be the girls choice of what she wants to do. i see it as having four choices: having the baby and raising it yourself,giving up the baby for adoption, sending the baby to a foster home, or getting it aborted, i have no problem with any of theese options. i dont think that the government shoud get in they way of that, and tell women what they have to do with their baby.

1 point

i totally agre, states such as texas go broke because they have to spend millons each year patroling the border, when most mexicans get accross anyways and the ones who are caught just get back to mexico and try to cross again. i think that the u.s should have a policy on shooting down illegal immigrants as soon as we see them crossing the border. this would save lots money going into patrols, jails, and shipping them back to mexico

1 point

north carolina school gives out donated bibles to any interested students, pegan mom gets upset when school does not exept pegan spell books. the first amendment calls for the speration of curch and state, so i think that school will have to stop giving out selective relegious material.

1 point

leaving iraq isnt exactly a good thing. yes, having the troops come home to their loving familys who missed them is a good thing, but obama pulled out the troops prematurely. the very next day after taking the last troops out of iraq, the iraqi leaders started getting assasinated and bombed by the al-qadea. so obviously the u.s did not complete the job i set out to do in iraq before obama decided to pull them out.

1 point

correct, the tea recall and wall street protests have cost the government thousands that could have been put into schools but instead are spent on something else created by thee protests.

1 point

this is a link to an article about sopa--

sopa is a bill that would restrict and censor the internet in an atempt to stop internet piracy and scams. The bill is being protested by large internets sites and browsers such as google, and wikipedia this is because the bill alows to much control and censorship by the government. that is why i dont think that the bill will be passed until more rstrictions are plassed on the bill to prevent eexcessive government conrol.

1 point

they already get taxed for those luxuries. everytime they buy a 10 million dollar yacht, they also pay another 1 million in taxes. its the same with everyone else but in smaller perportion because you cant afford a 10 million dollar yacht. ex- you buy a $10 book, and you pay $1 in taxes.

1 point

you cannot take away someones money just because they have it. its unconstitutional and goes against freedom. why cant anybody work for themselves insted of being lazy and complaining to government to take away money from the people who work, to the people who dont.

1 point

you say that the rich are corrupt and greedy and sinfu for having money. how can you say that your so much better when all you do is compain that they have more money and then you try to get the government to do something unconstitutional (witch doesnt seem to be very difficult anymore) and give YOU all that money?

1 point

but its your debt not theirs, its yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

if you tax the rich, you end up destroying the capitalist system, and the middle class gets even less money. lets make this simpler. paul has an idea for a buisness, he acts on that idea and makes lots of money on the FREE market. in other words, a makret that is NOT completely controlled by the government. in order to make more money paul hires johnny, johnny works and earns money,but not quite as much as paul. johnny wants more money so he hires henry and samanthatha, who each earn part of johnnys money....and so on (ect) until it gets to you. if we get rid o all pauls money then he has to fire johnny and johnny has to fire henry and samantha... and so on (ect) until you get fired and your worse off than before

2 points

obama is insane by einstein's thinking , quote: "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting the same result." obama keeps telling everyone that giving out money and taxing the rich will solve eveything. if it hasent worked the fist 10

times, its not going to work.

0 points

why should the rich pay for everything? they've worked their whole life so they can be succesful and make money. they shouldnt be punished for working hard and supporting our economy

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