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Bmusiedlak's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bmusiedlak's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But what if the girl had no chice and got pregrenant. Its not her fault and I think she should be able to use abortion.

1 point

Some people say other birth control is readily available; thus, abortion shouldn't be a form of birth control.

1 point

Abortion means to pretty much kill the growing baby inside.

1 point

I agree because there is alot on the computer which means there is alot to learn.

1 point


I think that girls should get abortion if she gets raped or is too young to take care for that baby. Girls that just don’t want a baby shouldn’t get an abortion because they are pretty much killing that baby. I also think its the women's choice because its their body.

1 point

I agree because the people not getting all the money dont get the money back and the rich does.

1 point

Im for because i think that everyone should beable to live and have a chance to live. so the ones not being paid much should get paid more from government.

1 point

I disagee because everyone needs to live and everyone needs a job.

0 points

In politics I believe they should be liberal because we should move into the future and start taxing more for people making more money. Forget about the debt and get plans to get out. Help the people with no money to eat, get a job, etc.

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