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Alexkrueger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Alexkrueger's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The US/Mexico border should be monitored more on the United States side.

2 points

Scott Walker for president. Obama can go pick Walkers green beans and clean his kicks.

1 point

Yeah... because they have a good job and work. Unlike 10% of the US

1 point

If you dont tax middle class then you want the poor and the rich to pay the taxes?

1 point

What does that have to do with anything????????????????????????????????

1 point

Whats going on now????????????????????????????????????????????????????

1 point

So youre saying that you think the US debt is too low and would like it to raise?

2 points

So you say tax the millionaires and no one else needs to work because of the countrys debt???

1 point

The rich still pay taxes.... How are they getting more rich????!!!!!!

4 points

Obamas laws on unemployment are wrong because if you loss your job, the government can't take your car or house away because you need a place and you need a car to go find a job. Some people take advantage of this law and go buy a new car.

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