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Alexkrueger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Alexkrueger's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Even if it was legalized, you would have to be 18 to be able to do it.

1 point

what you just said is a massive opinion and you have no way of knowing thats true

1 point

Agreed. Scott Walker turned this state from a Ford Pinto to a Stingray

1 point

his Christmas vacation to Hawiai cost the country $8 million

1 point

Obama spends more of his time golfing and on vacation than he does in white house or trying to fix this country. If anyone disagrees im going to hurt myself.

1 point

It says right in the Constitution of the United States of America that this is a free country...

1 point

How will it be good that people are going to be killed? whats wrong with you?

1 point

yes. this is a free county so you should be able to have a free market.

1 point

You copy and paste everything you put on here. And this isnt even about Canada.

2 points

Heck yeah! Scott Walker fixed the state now lets send him to the white house to fix the country.

1 point

there are stereotypes for every religion, belief and race so stop crying and get over it.

1 point

Having fun is bad for your health? you must have a really boring life.

1 point

But they arent, thats the thing. just look at pictures of the border. theres a big diffference.

1 point

who ever this is can you please put it in english or your own worlds? I dont think anyone can understand it.

1 point

this is just me but i think we can fix this by not drinking and driving.

1 point

you didnt say why it was a good idea. you just said that you can show that world your unloaded gun in your truck window

2 points

not if you have clue what youre talking about to begin with. then youre just making a fool of your self.

1 point

Obama is a stupid president. He could have created jobs by have the oil line ran to the United States. Now that he didnt, more people still dont have a job that gas prices will continue to skyrocket.

1 point

A lot of the illegal Mexicans are responsible for shootings and drug dealing. The United States today is sending any illegal immigrant from Mexico or Canada back to their country with no punishments. The reason the US/Canada border isn’t a big problem because a lot of them have a passport. It’s hard for anyone to pick out an illegal immigrant from Canada in the US because they all look like they’re from here. This doesn’t concern the United States as much as the Mexican border because a lot of drugs (Marijuana) come from Mexico and very few if any from Canada.–_United_States_ border

1 point

with that law in action, it states you can carry a fireame with a permit. It DOESNT give you permition to shoot up the city. gangs all over wisconsin were carrying guns before the law, and they always will.

1 point

you just repeated yourself like 4 times so that you would have a 50 character post

1 point

its not pretty much. it is killing the baby. even getting an abortion in the first couple weeks is the same as killing a full size human. in the first few weeks that baby has already had its own heart beat and has arms and legs

1 point

US Border. If someone from Mexico wants to come to the United States, get a passport. The reason they are sneaking over most of the time is to bring drugs over with them. If this is the case, I feel the US border patrol has all right to shoot them. A lot of the people come to the United States come over illegally and cannot speak English. I feel if you want to come to this country and live here, you should know how to speak there language. Especially the illegal ones. In California, students in one school would say the Pledge of Allegiance once in English and once in Spanish. This is where I think if you come here you should be able to speak the country’s language.

2 points

That doesnt make any sense. What about what we learned and how would it be in a "worse state"?

1 point

The US/Mexico border should be monitored more on the United States side.

2 points

Scott Walker for president. Obama can go pick Walkers green beans and clean his kicks.

1 point

Yeah... because they have a good job and work. Unlike 10% of the US

1 point

If you dont tax middle class then you want the poor and the rich to pay the taxes?

1 point

What does that have to do with anything????????????????????????????????

1 point

Whats going on now????????????????????????????????????????????????????

1 point

So youre saying that you think the US debt is too low and would like it to raise?

2 points

So you say tax the millionaires and no one else needs to work because of the countrys debt???

1 point

The rich still pay taxes.... How are they getting more rich????!!!!!!

4 points

Obamas laws on unemployment are wrong because if you loss your job, the government can't take your car or house away because you need a place and you need a car to go find a job. Some people take advantage of this law and go buy a new car.

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