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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mckenna's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Women became fed up with being treated unfairly at the factories and strarted to strike so they could work less hours for a higher wage.

1 point

Trains and boats helped with the transportaion of materials from place to place. More materials could be transported and faster.

1 point

Theodroe Roosevelt helped with saving the nations wildlife resources and setting aside nation parks.

1 point

Blacks did not have the same rights as whites and many racial groups tried to keep the blacks from gaining the right to vote and other things.

1 point

Families that moved west during the westward migration over came many struggles. But they helped with our countries growth.

1 point

I agree. The trenches were just not very pleasent over all.

1 point

World War I and other Wars can be depicted in todays culture through such games as Call of Duty

1 point

Life in trenches was not pleasent. There were rodents, people contracted lice and more.

1 point

During Westard Migration many families left their homes in search of new lives, a better future or in hopes of stricking it rich. Some people searched for gold but those people usually did not get rich te people who became rich were the ones who sold the supplies the miners needed.

1 point

I agree. The owners did not care about the working conditons, or working hours of the children and people. I think this caused many of the casulties since people worked really long hours and became tired on the job.

1 point

In World War I the Germans gassed many people who were in the trenches. By the time the people figured out that they had been gassed it was too late and people lost their lives.

1 point

I agree. It took along time for these things to change and many people held strikes against these conditions and in support of the children.

1 point

Exaclty. Also if people became sick along the way it was hard to make them better since there were no advances in medicine like back then.

1 point

In World War I many people lost their minds, limbs, and even lives due to the cruel nature that the war was fought.

1 point

In the Industrilzation Era many children ended up having to work in the factories along side their parents to help support their families.

1 point

In Westward Migration many people died because the trip was to long and strenuous and people did not have the correct supplies to make the full trip.

1 point

If the U.S stays imperialistic though people will turn against them and become hateful of them.

1 point

I agree! People who lived in the trenchs usually smelled bad from not being able to take shows. Also if the trenches filled with water they were forced to stay in the water and sometimes even lost limbs.

1 point

World War I was not the war to end all wars since there was a World War II.

2 points

I think that Germany was very imperialistic because they started World War II because they thought they were the alpha nation and everyone else should be eliminated.

0 points

I do not agree that people should be able to do drugs legally, it poses a greater risk than alcohol to peoples safety.

But I agree with everything else

1 point

I believe that there are certain parts that need to be repealed but other parts do not. Unions are still needed today because they help keep people from losing their jobs, no matter if they are in the unions or not. Civil rights need to be progressed because as time goes on, more groups of people move to the U.S but are not given the same rights as everything else, which should be changed. As a country we need to protect our enviornment because people need animal's meat to survive but without a stable enviornemt the animals will die causing a horrible ripple effect on the rest of the nation. We still need consumer protection because without that, people will not worry about the quality of the products that go out, and wether they will be safe for people to use or not. We should not legalize prostutution or drugs, they are harmful to people, and prostitution is not moral.

1 point

I agree with you. People should be able to stand up for what they believe in and not be doing it in the fear of getting beat up. Pinkertons are just a way industrys can bully people into going back to work without getting their hands "dirty".

1 point

I think that the use of Pinkertons is useless. People shouold not have to revert to violence to get what they want. Everyone should be able to stand up for what they want, wihtout the fear of being beat up for what they believe in.

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