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1 point

I agree with you. Unioins are needed. They help union workers and non-union workers, even though non-union workers may think not.

1 point

Yes unions are still needed. Just because not as many people are not in unions these days, does not mean they do not help out everyone. They help keep fair pay and other things that are essential to the wellness of the working people.

1 point

I disagree with you. As a child it is my desicion to have a job or not. Also I need money to help support my family. Without that money my family will starve.

1 point

As a child I am against this bill. I now have no way of supporting my family who will starve without the money I bring in. Also I liked helping my family out and having a job. It was my choice to have the job not anyone one elses, so the choice should still be up to me.

1 point

I agree with you. If immigrants are allowed into the country then we will all be out of jobs and money. Plus they can pay the immigrants for less and will not need our help in anyway then.

1 point

As a child I am for immigration limit laws. This is because if more immigrants are allowed into the country then I have a lesser chance at getting the job. Also the immigrants will work for less money meaning they will not need me as a worker naymoer when they can pay immigrants for less money.

1 point

As a child I agree with you. I get tired very easily and would like more time to rest. That way when I do work my products will turn out more eye pleaseing to the public nad more people will buy them.

1 point

But if people work longer hours, they will get payed more. Which is one thing people complain about. Also if people work for longer hours more products will be able to be made. Thus decreasing the price of the product. In the end it would make things less expense and more exsessable to other people, and the poverty level would possibly go down.

1 point

But if they got rid of the minimum wage then people who work longer hours and have been there longer can get payed better. I think that you should have to work for your pay and show your loyalty to the company to get better pays. This way people will work harder and strive for a better life and better pay, instead of it just being handed to them.

1 point

I agree with you. As a child we need to be able to have some money, and know that our family won't starve. So if they minimum wage was taken away nobody would be garunteed a constant amount of money, which if there was no minimum wage we could be walking home without any pay.

1 point

I am for the minumum wage oof $7.25 because as a child I need to be able to make some money for my family. If I did not have a minumum wage then my family could starve and be working for nothing. That would not be good. So minimum wage is a good thing because it gives people the security of having atleast some pay to go home with.

1 point

As a child I am against minimum wage of $7.25. The more you work, the more you should be able to make. Your wage should depend on how long you have been working there, your age, amount of hours you work, and amount of days you work. I think as a child you should get payed more, especially as a child, since I am younger and at a great risk of losing a limb and never being able to work again in my life.

1 point

But people need to be able to make money, without out money they starve and have no way to support their family.

2 points

As a child I would like to work 40 hours because that way I could make more money to support my family, who needs my income. Without more hours to work, my family would starve. So I need to work to keep my family alive. Also since I am a child I could work longer.

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