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1 point

I totally agree with you Ericka, I don't understand why anyone would want to kill their own kid. Even if they don't believe that it is killing the kid.

1 point

my opinion on this is that it is okay to wear them in school, just because you wear them doesn't mean anything, besides you could be wearing them because someone in your family my have breast cacncer. or you could be wearing them to get people to become aware of breast cancer

1 point

One of my other topics was should the I heart boobies bracelets be ban from school?

this is a link on a court case about the bracelets

1 point

I agree with your opinion, because i personally think that if you think you are old enough to have sex then, you should be old enough to become a parent, the only way i think it would be okay is if the girl was raped and really wasn't ready to become a parent

1 point

In order to get out of our economic problems, we need more time. I know that it's been a few years since the recession started but people are just not patient enough to wait they all want to be out of debt now. According to, the Great Depression went from 1929 to the late 1930's or early 1940's. That's at least ten years with 25% of Americans being unemployed with a huge market crash. Things are bad, but we are no where near that stage.

While I agree that the government needs to start getting us out of this recession, in order to do this they are going to need time. Obama won't do this in his current term, because his term is practically over. I hope that whoever is elected president next, is able to improve the country's economy soon.

1 point

Tessa i also think that this is true, but then again it is not their debt to be paid off.

1 point

i think that taxing the rich will help the economy alot, becase they have the money to pay the taxes but the people who are more poor can't afford to pay the extra taxes

1 point

i think the same thing, we do need to tax the rich more, because we are taxing the poor more then the rich

1 point

dena, this is almost exactly what i said, so i agree with you completely

1 point

Ericka i totally agree with you about this, because we do need to look more into the future and not just look at now and the past.

1 point

I believe in liberal, a bit more, because we do need change for the most part, but we also Don't want to wreck some of the progress we have already made.

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