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BrentThiel's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BrentThiel's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with you Dochterman...partially... because by taxing the rich even more would help poorer families in need or any people that are less fortunate than them. However, I disagree with you though, because why should the rich be taxed if they spent their lives working their way up to be at the top? Why should working hard you're whole life end up in being taxed even more than the other people??????

2 points

Well, yes, we do need to change, however, we should slow it down a bit and go back to the traditional ways.

2 points

We need to become more conservative. We are wasting away a boat-load of Obama Bucks and just getting ourselves in more debt. We need to learn to save more money. However, we need to become more liberal and look for more options to dig us out.

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