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BradyLudvik's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BradyLudvik's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

we need a minimum wage for our employees because without it the employers can pay us anything they want. a minimum wage mages things fair for everyone.

1 point

unions are still needed their time isn't over yet because business owners still might not understand why there are unions in the first place yet.

1 point

unions arent here to get better working conditions anymore. They are here to make sure they dont get worse

1 point

Unions are and always will be needed or the business owners will just start taking everything we have worker fore away from us in a blink of an eye. Unions negotiate terms with employers to make sure the salaries and other variables are fare.

1 point

Collective bargaining is the only way we have to keep from getting stepped on by our employers. We could't make it one year without collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is what keeps us being pain a decent amount.

5 points

Pinkertons are noting but a useless form of brutality. We as workers have the right to protest for our rights without being abused. We shouldn't be abused just for standing up for ourselves.

5 points

I am an American woman and I deserve my rights. I am working 14 hours a day and i barley have enough time to go home and feed my 4 children. My kids' schooling only lasts one half of one of my work days. My fellow woman workers and I are soon demanding less hours and more pay. We are going on strike. Those poor girls that fell victim to the terrible triangle fire should be the last people to have to go through that kind of pain. Working conditions need to change. We should only have to work 40 hours a week. America can not go on pushing their workers too hard!

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