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BradyLudvik's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BradyLudvik's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

the prohibition does not work because American citizens are a lot like teenage children. They are fine not doing it until the law says you cant and then everyone wants to do it because it is illegal and bad, when it is only happening because it is bad and wrong. If we made smoking marijuana legal for everyone, a lot more people would do it for a short time and soon it would become uncool and boring. This can relate to the prohibition of alcohol because during the prohibition, there was probably more drinking generally around america than there is now.

1 point

I think your talking about "Far and Away." This is true though. many people would do some very sad things just to get some money to survive.

1 point

I agree. What the employers did what uneducable. They made sure that the workers couldn't get out of the building thinking about what how they couldn't protest and they weren't thinking about how this is a horrible working environment. Things like this is what started the progressive era.

1 point

Yes this is true it existed with the Jews in Ancient egypt and now with everyone else. There are thousands of stereotypes of every race know.

1 point

I dont think that racism will ever end and even if it does it will start back up again very soon because of ignorant people and what they think

1 point

I agree, the teenagers back then didn't know the horrors of war and what it did to people. Their friends and parents urged them to go to war and so they did without knowing what they were doing.

1 point

This is true because many people wanted free land, but to survive out west, you needed to hard working and know how to survive in the wild.

1 point

I disagree racism is a terrible thing that makes people kill and hate. Racism is responsible for thousands of deaths.

1 point

racism will never stop because there will always be ignorant people that just have a hole in their life without the feeling of hate towards someone. Some people like to complain about things.

1 point

There will be much more machines working on the products being made and a lot of people will think that this will take jobs away form americans, but for every machine taking one jobs, there are 2 people making sure that machine works well.

1 point

I agree. Our country is in huge debt and we have a large unemployment rate and we keep focusing on other countries. We need to slow down and take care of ourselves.

1 point

I think that racism is a huge problem all around the world whether it be America against blacks or the chinese and japanese. The whole world has different dislikes of different races.

1 point

The movement west made businesses move went too because of all the people rushing out there. This link will elaborate more on this topic. westward%20movement.htm

1 point

I think this movie was a great thing for americans to see because of all the propaganda making the Germans seem evil, but they were just scared soldiers like us and this movie let us see that.

1 point

The western migration was a very important time in american history. The government was giving away land in the west because of all the over pollution in the easter shore.

1 point

WWI was a completely senseless war and could have been avoided

easily through conversation. Instead we got in a huge war over an assignation that no one cared about in the first place

1 point

I think that the Panama canal was a good idea because it helped people everywhere get good from place to place much faster and it was for the greater good. Us invading Panama without permission was a bad idea though because we could gave worked out an agreement or asked them to build it.

1 point

The progressive era was where Teddy Roosevelt tried to help the workers of the American industrial society. The website states that back then there were "tensions and problems" during the industrial era and Teddy Roosevelt tried to fix them.

1 point

I think that the United States is very imperialistic. We showed this in Vietnam when we were trying to stop Communism and it wasn't our business. We currently show this by invading Iraq mainly for the oil and other rescues. This link supports this statement

1 point

This is very true. The economy of America did make a huge improvement and America was on top of the world making huge amounts of money. This is hard to see because of all the terrible conditions and this is something your rarely hear about in common conversations.

1 point

I also agree. In the movie, when the soldiers were eating and they were talking about why they are fighting a war they start to talk about how they feel no need to kill any Englishmen and that they don't know why this is such a huge war.

1 point

I believe that the Industrial age was a terrible time for everyone except for the business owners. There were no regulations on time that you can work a day or the safety of the working conditions.

1 point

if more and more people come to seek jobs from people like you, half of the country would be jobless.

1 point

i think that an immigration reform is needed because then everyone with a troubled past would just escape to america and they would be taking all the jobs because they would work for less. This would lead to overpopulation and overpopulation is the main reason that people came to america in the first place.

1 point

we need a minimum wage for our employees because without it the employers can pay us anything they want. a minimum wage mages things fair for everyone.

1 point

unions are still needed their time isn't over yet because business owners still might not understand why there are unions in the first place yet.

1 point

unions arent here to get better working conditions anymore. They are here to make sure they dont get worse

1 point

Unions are and always will be needed or the business owners will just start taking everything we have worker fore away from us in a blink of an eye. Unions negotiate terms with employers to make sure the salaries and other variables are fare.

1 point

Collective bargaining is the only way we have to keep from getting stepped on by our employers. We could't make it one year without collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is what keeps us being pain a decent amount.

5 points

Pinkertons are noting but a useless form of brutality. We as workers have the right to protest for our rights without being abused. We shouldn't be abused just for standing up for ourselves.

5 points

I am an American woman and I deserve my rights. I am working 14 hours a day and i barley have enough time to go home and feed my 4 children. My kids' schooling only lasts one half of one of my work days. My fellow woman workers and I are soon demanding less hours and more pay. We are going on strike. Those poor girls that fell victim to the terrible triangle fire should be the last people to have to go through that kind of pain. Working conditions need to change. We should only have to work 40 hours a week. America can not go on pushing their workers too hard!

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