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1 point

In the 1920s and now, the prohibiton didn't work. In the 1920s, people sold, manufactured, distributed and drank alcohol, even though it was illegal and now people are doing the same with marijuana.

After the prohibiton of alcohol ended, lots of money was made off of it and if the prohibition of marijuana ended the same result would occur and more jobs will be created.

One of the reasons marijuana is prohibited is because marijuana was associated with Mexican Americans, and a ban on marijuana was seen as a way of discouraging Mexican-American subcultures from developing. It is also viewed as addictive and can be dangerous. However alcohol is perfectly legal and it causes more 75,000 deaths in the US every year.

1 point

I agree with you, but some people left their countries for a new life because they felt as if there could be more they could do with their lives somewhere else.

1 point

We needed to go through both the progressive era and the industrial age in order to get to where we are today. In both those periods we made advancements in technology, safety, sanitation and a lot more. We may have hit a few bumps, which caused the deaths of many people, but we had learned from those mistakes.

1 point

I agree, the US had always been greedy for money and anything that would help increase the economy, like other countries resources.

1 point

I agree, with the Panama Canal built, the US economy got much better. The canal helped every country trade with each other easier. In fact, with trade being easier and less time consuming, other countries had a better economy too.

1 point

Yellow journalism definitely led to war. The press was feeding readers lies and that quickly changed everyone's views on the Spanish. Immediately people wanted war, even though they knew little about anything that had actually happened.

1 point

I agree with you. Racism is a horrible thing and lots of people look down on others just because of their skin color. Lots of people don't even have a legitimate reason for disliking a certain race, they simply dislike them because they're different.

1 point

Just like during the Industruial era, many children around the world now are going uneducated, mostly because they have to support their families. Some of these children must get a job and others have to stay home to do, what we believe as simple, tasks. For example, some children must walk miles just to get water for their family and must do this every day.

But supporting their families is not the only reason they go uneducated. In some countries, girls can't attend school and in other places language, religion, etc, prevent them from getting an education.

1 point

There is still lots of racism in the US today. There are some parts in the country, more towards the south that are very segregated and view African Americans harshly.

And it's not only the African Americans that are viewed unequally. Many other races aren't viewed equally in the eyes of some people.

1 point

Yellow journalism was a huge cause of the Spanish-American war.

People truly believed what the press was saying was true and that then caused US citizens to view the Spainsh as horrible and cruel, this then pushed the government to declare war.

1 point

If people had never tried to help African Americans gain equal rights as everyone else after the Civil War things would be very different now. Segregation would be everywhere, just like it had been years ago. There would be seperate schools for African Americans and whites, seperate bathrooms, resturants and more. Racisism and segregation would probably be even worse now, if the Civil war didn't end the way it did. It's almost hard to imagine how horrible things could be.

1 point

Is the United States imperialistic?

The government claims that we aren't and are appauled when people think otherwise. In the past, the US had taken control over different areas and countries, sometimes believing that they could help the people in those areas.

Even now the US has set up military bases all over the world and tends to interfer in other countries' buisness, although sometimes our involvment does help.

Max Boot had once defended US imperialism by stating, "U.S. imperialism has been the greatest force for good in the world during the past century. It has defeated communism and Nazism and has intervened against the Taliban and Serbian ethnic cleansing."

1 point

I agree. When they first wanted to join the war they never knew how hard things would be, they didn't know they would end up seeing their friends and many others die and they didn't know how gruesome everything would be. If the war had been what they thought, they would have never had see death.

1 point

In the movie All is Quiet on the Westward Front, it showed viewers how many people who joined the war had no idea how hard it would be. They hadn't been aware of how gruesome the battles would be and how you could never let your emotions get the best of you. Eventually, the new soldiers viewed death as nothing, even their friend's deaths seemed to be nothing compared to the value of a pair of good, quality boots.

1 point

Without collective bargaining, Wisconsin state employees lose some of the rights they deserve. Having these rights have made employees protest and argue less with their employers, taking that away could have consequences.

1 point

I believe we should still continue to progress, but we shouldn't reach a point where we think we have advanced ahead of other countries. Right now we need to think of helping those who don't have jobs and settling our debt. We need to fix the situatuion we are in now before we try to do anything else, otherwise we'll think we have made progress, but in reality we haven't.

2 points

I think we should still be progressing, but we should still keep a few things the same. We should still protect the enviroment and still keep costumer protection, even if it means less jobs are being created and less bussinesses are growing.

Civil rights should be expanded so all citizens and immigrants of the US are protected since this country is viewed as a free country by others. There are more rights in our country than in others and if we have less civil rights for eveyone here, problems would arise.

Also, for moral crimes like casual drug use and prostitution, it is those people's choice to do those things and even though the "crimes" are illegal, people still will continue to do them. So what is the point of keeping those "crimes" illegal?

1 point

You never had to take the job. If a family is struggling they shouldn't depend on the child. Longer work hours could mean more money, if that's all it takes to help a family, then there is no reason the child needs to work. If your parents are working just as hard as you, they probably feel the same way. Everyone must make sacrifices if you want your family to make ends meet.

1 point

Just because you are a child it doesn't mean you should get an easier job. If you are unable to do the job, why take it in the first place? There are other jobs avaiable that are easier for a child, so there is no need for them to take a job they are not capable of handling.

1 point

If workers are so worried about their pay, they should put effort into their work. I don't want workers who put little to no effort in their work and workers don't want a small pay. Deciding my workers' pay helps keep my buisness in good condition.

1 point

As a wealthy business owner, minimum wage seems pointless. I pay my workers depending on how hard they work. If they choose to slack off while working, they don't deserve the minimum wage of $7.25. If a worker doesn't like the pay they are recieving, the can just quit and find a new job.

1 point

Even though working 40 hours a week gives workers more time to spend with family and rest, they don't need that much time. The more time they spend at home, the less they want to go back to work. Not only does this affect buisness owners, it may also affect them.

1 point

As a wealthy business owner, 40 hours a week will result in me losing money. Workers seemed perfectly fine with working more hours, as long as they got their pay. If they don't want to work so long or so long, they don't have to take the job. If they want to put food on the table, no matter how hard and how long they have to work, they take the job. It's the workers' choice.

1 point

I believe if a child wants to work, they can, so therefore I disagree with the Keating-Owen Bill. If a child's family needs more money and are struggling to put food on the table, that child should have the choice to work if the want to. They will not get any special treatment because they are younger and will get paid the same as everyone else. Whether they want to work or not, it should be their choice.

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