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This personal waterfall shows you all of KArLeYq's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with oyu Tessa. For all anyone knows, if Obama were to get re-elected he could chage everything around. You never know.

1 point

Ok, i disagree. he pretty much said that he was going ot change Wisconsin and said what he was gunna do. Just because some people don't like change very much doesn't ean that he hsould just be recalled. I do however agree with the fact that how he went about doing things to change the state weren't that great but still.

1 point

True, true. That sounds like what we were talking about with the silent scream. So so sad.

1 point

The other day on the news I heard about a woman who was caught with a .38 caliber pistol on an American Airlines flight in Dallas, TX. By the time the pilot stopped the plane to try and get her off of it, she was already gone. The eventually caught her though.

1 point

Well, in Dred Scott's case his owner, Peter Blow brought him and the other laves he owned to Illinois, a free state for four years. Then Blow decided to move them all back to Missouri, a save state where Blow later died. Scott felt that since he had been livng n a free state for so long that he should have the right to become a citizen. In other cases I am not sure what the purpose of slave owners bringing their slaves to the North.

1 point

I agree Kassi. To be honest, he did everything he said he was going to do when the people of Wisconsin elected him. It's not like they didn't know what was coming or what was going ot happen. I just think that the whole thing is stupid. I saw some people in front of Walmart holding up recall Walker signs. So dumb, what a waste of time.

1 point

This is a case that is talked about during the Dred Scott case. It's called Madison v. Marbury.

1 point

I will join you in that. I have never done that but I have a feeling that i would LOVE it. Count me in.

1 point

I agree Cara, i think that politicians worry more about what they're campaign i like and how much money it's going to cost rather than focusing on what the U.S. really needs.

1 point

I have it so maybe i could bring to you on Tuesday so you could watch it ur something. Be warned though, it's a tear-jerker!

1 point

I have it so maybe i could bring to you on Tuesday so you could watch it ur something. Be warned though, it's a tear-jerker!

1 point

One thing that I learned from the Amanda Knox movie was that the judge in the trial, Guliano Mignini was trying to get Amanda to confess to the crime because his own reputation was turning bad because he had been accused of misconduct on case he was apart of in the 70's about the Monster of Florence who killed young lovers in the foothills of Italy.

1 point

That makes so much sense Ericka. Talking about balacks all being the same. I know that this isn't really my topic but in the movie The Help, the main character, who is a black slave in Jackson, Mississippi in the 60's. She spent her life raised white babies and this is what she always told them: " You as smart, you as kind, you as important." If we could all think of black slaves that way I think that the world woul dbe a differnt and more peaceful place.

1 point

Here is the trailer for the Amanda Knox movie. I have watched it and it was really good and quite interesting.

1 point

This is a link about the Amanda Knox case. It has 5 reason why Knox should be convicted and 5 reasons why she shouldn't. I don't think that she actually did it. I just really think that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

1 point

Well Hunter, I'm not really sure what would've happened to the slaves if teh judge on this case would ruled differently. I would like to think that teh slaves would've been freed but I knwo that that's not what would've really happened to them.

1 point

I totally agree with you Mandy, even though the slaves were balck doesn't mean that they were any less of a person than white people were. It just frustrates me sometimes!

1 point

I totally agree with you that abortion is wrong. It was the poeple's decison to do that and so I don't think that woman should be able to do that. However, I do think that women should have the option but only as a complete and total last resort. I think that they should look at all of their opitions first before even considereing that option. Plus even if they didn't want the baby they can always give it up for adoption instead of abortion.

1 point

The other topic that I researched was the Dred Scott v. Sandford trial of 1857. This was also called the Dred Scott Decision and the ruling by the Supreme Court was that people of African descent and brought into the U.S. and held as slaves were not protected by the Constitution and could NEVER be U.S. citizens. What do you think about the court's decision?

1 point

One of the topics that I researched was the Amanda Knox trial. I found this topic interesting and wanted to know more about it. In this trial, Amanda Knox, 22 at the time was an college student studying abroad in Italy. She was accused of murdering one of her roommates Meredith Kercher, with her Italian boyfriend at the time. Here is a link about Who's who in the Amanda Knox trial.

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