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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jlentz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is like sending U.S. Navy men into a crowd to stand their and tell us what we can and can't do. It's worthless. Shouldn't those pinkertons be on our side? They would probably say no anyway so they can make the big $$$$$. We as workers, have rights. It's our decision to decide if we want to complain or not about unfair wages and work hours. It will be a raid if business men stand in all our way and keep telling us no. We aren't going to stop at a no. We will do as we ask or please the government and our bosses to do. We have voices that need to be heard and answered. Like I said before, I have 12 children.

2 points

No they shouldn't work for more hours. They can get hurt easily. Where are you when someone gets hurt on the job? If you have enough money, gal darn it, then pay of the machines to be better and safer. What do all of you business men do? Make up lies, and sit drinking 12 cups of coffee a day! I'm a working mother of 12. Hand over those 12 cups of coffee you probably drink a day so I can give to my children. I have rights too!

1 point

Well where's the money we workers deserved and worked for our whole lives? Did you give us any raises at all? Yes, they can provide more money for the family to use, but did you ever think about giving us adults a raise? If you would done this then the children wouldn't have to go through this until they are old enough to understand this concept.

1 point

This is a very tuff decision for me and my family. You know, between letting our kids work these extreme conditions or not. I mean they can get hurt or even get killed while on the job, but on the otherside it provides our family with more money income. I guess I'm so confussed still to this day that our bosses couldn't have paid us more fairly. If they've only done this my decision would not to pass this law.

0 points

For sure! Pay us workers the money we work for and hereby deserve. We hear kids now a days, getting broken feet, toes, fingers, etc. If you can't do this, at least make the poor little children's hours minimal and make the machines safer. That's at least what you BUSINESS MEN can do!

1 point

Why should you care about $1. Where is it going towards? Hopefully you have a good reasoning for it. I am a women worker by the way. For us workers, a dollar means a lot more than no dollars. We are not asking for a $20 donation, although it would help us greatly. I mean you say you need to be making more money when you already have by the millions and billions. Where is that money goning to go when you die? Are you going to take it with? Then that dollar shouldn't matter to you then.

1 point

Who every said you would be paying us $6.50? How about $3.50? I would still say no. Yes, your still risking the chance of not having any jobs, but common! $7.25 doesn't seem reasonable to you sir? It's a dollar more than $6.50. I'm sure that one dollar bill isn't going to use in your wallet. Ooo, that's right, you would have an excuse saying that the one dollar is going towards your favorite candy bar. Well, that just seems stupid. Think about it for a moment. If the majority wants $7.25 an hour, then you don't have to listen to us workers complain. How do you like that!

1 point

Business men act like they own the entire country. Who were you when you first moved to America? A poor person or rich? I think you should have some sharing and caring time with your workers. There probably all poor in your business and you get credited with everything they do for you. You would pay your workers less, and you know it! Don't you dare make up lies that end up as a bloody result. All I can state know is that $7.25 seems more logical than being paid less.

1 point

I would take that and add to my penny jar, thank you very much! More money being made than it was back then. I could save that profit in my money jar, and by the end of the month, I could easily have over $100. Why risk this oportunity? Business men can always lower wages especially $7.25. Most people would say they have a chance to make over the minimum wage if they are good enough workers, which I understand. At the same time though, people try to do they best they can, and what do they get in return? Less than the minimum wage. I am a good women worker, and let me say that I've been trying to work my way up the latter on every job. I never got paid that at any of those jobs. So yes, I am for this minimum wage.

1 point

YEAH, why should you business men do whatever your little heart desires and still we can't do a thing about it. I mean family is your whole life, work and getting paid helps your family in sucky conditions, provides food, getting new clothes, etc. Does a strike have any meaning to you wealthy business men or if you laid enough people off? Once they happen, your screwed. You will not have your business running, and you, (unfortunately) will lose your profits.

1 point

I hope that your employers will leave slowly. Poor people getting worked to death for 20 more hours in a week than we could ever imagine. The American dream can't help if you don't give them anything at all money wise. Share the money so we ALL get a chance to live the American dream! And if you don't agree, then your fellow workers will go on strike and still be protected by the Union.

1 point

As a women worker, I would agree. I mean, women like me can't always work 60 hours a week, and yet we still try to see our family. People think we make lots of money according to some headlines, when we really get paid a cent or less during an hours worth. Us women, are getting very upset by those business men, telling us to do this and that. I mean we ask them for better working conditions and a better money income. Even though we are getting really nothing money wise, I will work hard for 40 hours rather than getting beat up for 60 hours. There making by the billions for pete's sake! We are trying to all live and overcome this American dream. I ain't working for 60 hours or more! I have rights too! You can join us and the Union to protect workers from harm of business men, or you can go against us and be enemies. Choose wisely!

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