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This personal waterfall shows you all of Dermer's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What year do you think WW3 will happen and where will it take place.

1 point

Why do you think both sides were at fault the Serbians wanted war to get Independence how can you blame them we did the same thing with the British.

1 point

I think WW3 will start in Russia or North Korea because Russians are threatening to fire missiles at Poland and Lithuania and North Korea test fired short range missiles one again.

1 point

I agree chemical warfare is the worst way to die in war it was a slow painful death.

1 point

If we didn't enter WW1 then we would've have been in the depression and the allies most likely would have lost.

1 point

The panama canal helped america and other countries by making the shipment of goods shorter then going under South America, and It helped America by having the countries paying tolls to get though the canal.

1 point

Slavery was bad but it helped the southern economy, and for the north they had industries.

1 point

If the westward migration never happened then how populated would the East coast be?

1 point

It may have caused problems but then it helped us in a way because when there was a war countries wanted us to be on their side and every war we had helped a country we have won.

1 point

The way WW1 was fought was out-dated because they were using tanks, gas, machine guns, rifles and mortars and If you were one of the men that charged then you most likely would have been killed.

1 point

In the past we had to be imperialistic to be able to survive in the world because then countries would fight us to try to conquer us and by fighting other countries it showed we were the country to beat.

1 point

Would America have a better or worse economy if the Civil War never happened and if we still had slavery today.

1 point

what would Europe be like if WW1 or WW2 didn't happen like if the Nazi Reich still had power or if the Hungarian empire was still in rule.

1 point

I agree we entered at a good time because the Russians pulled out in 1918 and if we wouldn't have joined then the central powers may have won the war.

1 point

In my opinion I think Theodore Roosevelt was the best president we've had because of all the laws he made like food acts and he helped majorly on the forest and national parks he saved the land from becoming a possible company or landfill.

1 point

We tried to give peace a chance in WW1 and WW2 but we got sucked in the wars and we didn't want to be.

1 point

America has a tough industrial history like forcing little kids to work in hazardous environments, and having no minimum wage.

1 point

I disagree because we fought the Spanish for land to show our imperialism we build the Panama canal to charge any country that chooses to ship supplies though.

1 point

I wonder what the outcome of World War 1 would be If America joined Germany and the Austria-Hungarian empire.

1 point

I agree we were very imperialistic I think we destroyed the USS Maine to start a war with Spain to get their land.

1 point

I want a 40 hr work week because if you have a family you have time of seeing them.

1 point

Pinkertons are taking our rights away because in the Bill of Rights it clearly says "Right of free speech'' and "Rights of expression\"

1 point

I support you because the number of immigrants that come to America they are taking the jobs that Americans should have ,but the immigrants offer less money and work longer.

1 point

I agree that is what I feel if they give us want we want they wouldn't have a problem.

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