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This personal waterfall shows you all of Dermer's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Aron I strongly disagree with you pinkertons are not necessary if you dont want protests or strikes then just give us what we want and the use of pinkertons are just turning your own workers against you and just making protest and stirke more.

1 point

I disagree with pinkertons because the country says that you have the right to free speech and expression with the pinkertons the industry's is taking that away from us.

1 point

I believe that immigrants should be limited number because they are coming here by the thousands and taking all of our jobs.

1 point

I agree because the immigrants are coming in to our country and taking our jobs sure they are dirty and pay low but, I'd rather be working for low pay then not working at all.

1 point

I agree with this bill because as a unionized worker i believe that no child at any age should be working. Especially in the conditions and risks there are in working in a factory.

1 point

I disagree because you are making us work and want us to work more so YOU can stay in business not us all you want is to make more money even though you have enough so I don't see the big deal is to bring work hours down to 40 instead of 60. All I'm saying is put yourself in our shoes see how you would feel.

1 point

Micayla whats not cool is that you make money while we work our lives away for you and we hardly get enough money to support our own family.

1 point

Aron I disagree because if you want to make money then you should come down and help earn your money not just relying on people to make it for you. I think that the workers should get more money because we put our lives at risk everyday while you walk around with with pockets full of money.

1 point

I agree because they would find a new person to take over your job in a day or day and if you did quit then you would most likely become one of the poorest of the poor

1 point

i am a unionized worker and i'm for a 40 hr work week because if we have less then that we wouldn't be able to make enough money to feed the family and i want a minium wage becasuse we are not making enough money why should the owner make millions and the people who actully work makes close to nothing.

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