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This personal waterfall shows you all of Breichert13's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with you that, that was one major reason why we went to war with Iraq. After the twin towers attack we also improved our secturity in airports and things that are suspicious.

1 point

I think that there are too many distractions and that then people don't end up getting there homework done. But the good side of it is that you can learn about whatever you want in history by just researching it.

1 point

I think that he is in a tough possition because so many people have different ideas of what to do. It is hard to make everyone happy and i don't think that walker is being very successful.

1 point

I agree because without this it would be hard to ship things. I also believe that this helps with Panamas economy because they have so much travel going through there country.

1 point

I agree because it does't matter about you sex and gender. Those people are willing to risk there lives for our freedom every day. If you don't support this then why don't you risk go and risk you own life then.

1 point

I agree that this was good because it helped make the cities healthier and people in the towns got along because there were laws that were set in place. If they wouldn't have environmental laws i think that conditions would be worse today.

1 point

It is so good that they finally made laws to have the meat packing places but cleaner and sanitize the equipment. When the food is spoiled it is very unhealthy and can cause people to die. I think the people at the factories knew that the meat was bad but they just didn't care.

1 point

I agree because every country has a problem and that each country should fix there own problems. The counties should not worry about other peoples problems.

1 point

It was a good choice because it helped with the economy, other countries shipping and it was kind of like U.S. was the hero at solving the problem of the canal. If they wouldn't have done that then the ships would have to go all the way around South America.

1 point

I agree because the boys from the high school thought that it was a joke and didn't take it seriously. They should've been trained better and told what the war was all about.

1 point

I agree with madison because thats the way that we got here because our relatives have had to have moved here for a better life or it was eassy for the to get land.

1 point

Today with kids going to school they are only allowed to work so many hours a week. People are working because its money for them, for college and the education must come first.

1 point

That is just crazy!!!! Parents today would never send there kids to work, they would be sending them to school so they can get a good education.

1 point

When people learned about the gold rush i don't think that they knew how hard it was for them to find the gold. But the people that found the gold did make money off of it.

1 point

I agree with you because people from other countries wanted to be able to have there own freedom and not have to do what the governement tells them to do.

1 point

I agree with you because the parents should take the blame for having them work in factorys and in the factories the conditions are very dangerous.

1 point

I agree with you because the canal was a major project that dealt with not only our economy but the whole worlds enconomy. Even though the canal costed alot it will save lots of shipping company's money for fuel and time.

1 point

Yes i agree because we need to make sure that we are trying to save the resources that are important to use. If it is not possible for us to do this then we need to find more ways that will help give us energy to use the things we need.

1 point

I agree with you because kids in America really have it easy. They don't need to worry about going to work after school to support there families. Plus it is really no possible for kids at the ages of 10-12 to get a job in America.

1 point

How did Lewis and Clark change things in America?

Lewis and Clark discovered the whole other half of America and allowed them to make maps for other people to travel to the west. With them learning more about this was not just for them to say that they made it to the Pacific Ocean but to lead the way for other people to follow. idx_9.html

1 point

Who do you think would’ve built the Panama Canal if the U.S. didn’t?

If the U.S. didn’t build the Canal then I think that the French would have built it. I think this because they were the ones who tried to build it first. If there plans would’ve went thru then they would be the ones building it. The French were then unable so they then sold it to the U.S. &

1 point

What if the Panama Canal was never built?

If the U.S. or any other country never the Panama Canal it would really cause problems with trying to transport goods or products from one country to another. If the canal wasn’t there it would take 68 days to go all the way around South America and 2500 dollars more in fuel. For them to transport goods I think that they would then have to use trains or even planes. When using planes you don’t have as much room as a ship would. If we would have to use trains then it may create a lot of jobs throughout America and that would be that way that everyone would be shipping products.

3 points

The progessive era reforms should reforms some things but other you should repeal them. The things that we should put reforms on are the environment and civil right. The things that we should repeal are the things that are stopping jobs that could be created.

1 point

I disagree because people should be able to say what they want. Other people shouldn't be able to take control of other people's lives.

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