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1 point

Racism is not a good thing. It has brought nothing, but bad. It has seperated countries and caused the death of so many people just because of the color of their skin. Segregation is still an issue today and it's sad that people continue to judge others just because of their race. No race is better! We are all equal!

1 point

We're not becoming lest imperialistic. We continue to force our opinions on others and go to war for no reason. We also continue to be imperalistic through helping countries that are having issues because we "fix" their problem OUR way which may not always be what's best for that country.

1 point

Exactly! Our county is finally starting to move forward. Hopefully we don't take one step forward, and two steps back. Our country need to move forward and continue to better our economy!

1 point

Exactly. Our country is in so much debt and yet we continue to give other countries money that we don't have. Our country will never be able to get rid of the debt if we contine to constantly just give away our money like we are now.

1 point

I agree. They got the boys all excited and made them think the war was going to be exciting and fun. They hid the fact of starvation and diseases and having to see your friends die right in front of you. When the young men actually got into the war and saw what it was really like, I'm sure they were in shock becase of the extreme difference between their fantasy and the reality.

1 point

I agree with Micayla. The amount of negative overpowers the small amount of the positive of industry. The conditions were terrible and what those child laborers went through was insane. But now that it's happened, our country has learned from it's mistakes and made factories and other workplaces safer and changed the labor laws to be fair.

1 point

It's funny that Roosevelt said that because America doesn't "speak softly" at all. We seem to jump to war when things don't go our way. We "throw tantrums" when we don't get our way. It's very childish.

1 point

I believe part of our countries problem is our imperialistic attitude. We need to work on our OWN country before we help others. Our country has so many problems that we need to be focusing on instead of going to war and wasting money on other countries. I think it's great that we help so many countries BUT I feel like we should leave countries alone unless they ask for help. Our country has problems with our ecomony, huge debt, and illegall immigration. We should work those things out before we help others unless they ask for it.

1 point

We are still imperialistic. We are still constantly in other countries business instead of taking care of our own problems. America is still going to war with other countries so our countries ideas and opinion of what we think is right, will be spread around the world. That's imperialism.

1 point

Germany, along with Adolf Hitler, were killing millions and millions of people. Our country went in to end the insanity. I don't see any reason why Germany shouldn't have to pay for WW2, they were a HUGE part of the deaths of many, many inoccent people.

1 point

Part of Imperialism is helping. It's not like it our country's goal to harm other countries, but while helping countries, we're also trying to make them see things the way do. When we help countries, we do it OUR way, therefore that country is forced to do things the way we want.

1 point

CURRENT EVENT: The number of people that are jobless in the United States has decreased. According to, the number of jobless people in America is the lowest it's been since April of 2008. It shows that our ecomony is showing progress!


1 point

I agree with you that sometimes we push too hard. Our country need to realize that not everyone is going to agree with us and that's ok. But we have definitely brought good to other countries.

1 point

I disagree with Zach. I believe the United States is extremely imperialistic. Look at how many wars we've been in. We are constantly trying to force countries to be like us. It's not always a bad thing though, we've brought freedoms to many countries that they may not have ever had if it had not been for America.

1 point

I agree. The conditions for Child Labor are much better in America now. There are still countries like China though, that have unfair and bad conditions for child workers.

1 point

America is an imperialistic country and I really don't see how it's becoming less imperialistic. We are still in war in the middle east and we jump at any oppurtunity to make countries see things the way we do. Our country has been in war so many times because we for some reason can't accept the fact that sometimes people aren't going to agree with us.

1 point

The United States is an imperialistic country. It has been for a long time and it will probably be that way for a long time. In most cases, our imperialism is a good thing. We have given freeedoms to many countries that they didn't have before. According to "The history of American imperialism is hardly one of unadorned good doing; there have been plenty of shameful episodes, such as the mistreatment of the Indians. But, on the whole, U.S. imperialism has been the greatest force for good in the world during the past century."

1 point

I am for the immigration reform. More immigrants means less jobs for U.S. citizens. I need my job. I'm not against immigrants, but I think regulations are needed.

1 point

Children have the right to be safe. They need to work in places where they get enough breaks and have safe conditions. You can hire plenty of adult men and women to do the jobs that the children do.

1 point

I know I wrote an arguement for this bill, but I'm also against it. As a child worker, I need somewhere to work to help bring money to my family. So though I am grateful to this bill, I still need a way of making money to help support my family.

1 point

I am for this bill because, as a child worker, I need protection like this. It was will make working conditions better and get employers to realize that things need to change.

1 point

I think the number of unions will decline because of the government, but I think they're still needed. Workers need protection and unions give them that.

1 point

We have the right as child workers to say what we think is needed and what needs to be changed. Pinkertons take away that right. No one should be allowed to take that away from us.

1 point

As a worker, I believe we should have the right to protest. We should be able to state our opinion loud and proud. Business owners are using Pinkertons as a way to shut us up. I am against Pinkertons.

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