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This personal waterfall shows you all of Addymiller's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

yea i think athletes should not make so much money because they dicided to do that job, for whatever reason, but it should be because they love the game, so they should not be paid so much for playing a sport when really its a job, so in that cause everyone should be paid like they do

2 points

i do not agree because it is a harmful drug and people can find better ways to make them selves feel better or whatever it is that weed does for you.

1 point

they should not because google and wikipedia are websites that we use almost all the time, and getting rid of them would make a lot of people unhappy, and yea the government shouldnt censor our internet.

1 point

i agree with the death penalty because other wise the people just sit in prison the rest of their life with food and shelter, and us paying our taxes so they can just rot in prison their whole life, and most of the probly want to die.

1 point

It is absolutely fine if gays and lesbians show their affections just like straight people can show their affections in public or anywhere.

1 point

APThe Associated Press

"More bad news for the housing industry as 2011 becomes the worst on record for single-family home construction"

with this tweet do you think this could effect us when we are at the age when we start to buy houses. I think it could

1 point

Tinker vs. Des Moines- in this senario, i think with wearing their armbands, i believe that it is ok to do what they did, because they were not disrupting the learning of the other students in the school.

1 point

i think that computers are a wonderful invention and are a huge help for education and such, but its in the way you use them that can make them not such a good thing.

1 point

Ok so remember that video clip that michael showed us on that little girl and the lion??? I know they said the girl wasnt in danger, but i think that in a way she was because what would happen if the lion got loose, then just think about what that lion could do to the little girl.

1 point

yea but on the other hand some kids may not grow stronger and end up becoming so depressed and think the only way out is to end thier life.

1 point

I personally dont think it is going to change much since wisconsin is kind of known for drinking, so i think over time it may change, but it is going to be a challenge.

1 point

Do you think pulling soldiers out of iraq was a good idea????? I do, but I also think that it may turn out to not be such a good idea, for Iran might come right back at us.

1 point

Jones vs Clear Creek- i believe that prayer in school should be allowed because religion to me is way more important than school, and that you should be able to show your religion where ever you want to, i mean its just like praying before you eat lunch or something.

1 point

i do not agree with concealed fire arm because now everyone can carry around a gun, and people are going to become trigger happy, and lives are going to be at state.

1 point

i agree because the whole recall thing is absolutley rediculous. We dont have the money to be recalling someone who helped our economy and continues to help us.

1 point

i agree because Scott Walker actually took action and did something about it, and in my mind made it more fair in the way that everyone now has to pay for healthcare

2 points

i agree because depite their sexuality they are still human beings, and should be treated like everyone else, because they are like everyone else just with different feelings

2 points

i do not agree, because obama came inot office with a lot of stuff to fix from the former president, so in the four years that obama has been in office might not have been enough time to change everything.

1 point

I agree because more and more people coming across the border are coming into our country and taking the jobs out of americans hands.

2 points

I agree because in a state government we can focus more on our state and what we need, whereas a national government doesnt always focus on one state, or in other words they dont really care about every single state as much as another state.

1 point

I agree with abortion if a girl gets raped, but if a girl finds out that she is pregnant, i think they should have to choice to have an abortion, because they might not be able to provide for it and give the baby the life it deserves.

1 point

In the despute with Bethel vs. Matt Fraser, I completely agree with the decision that the supreme court ruled, in that freedom of speech only works when it does not disrupt the learning of others.

1 point

I think people should be more independent and not rely so much on the government for money, but make their own money to sustain themselves; Conservative

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