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This personal waterfall shows you all of SallyPaese's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i agree kassi. for those who use it as birth control, that is awful. Use a type of birth control that isnt murder.

1 point

This is a great website that supports you, Katelyn. It really shows how discrimination starts.

1 point

This case is similiar to the case on discrimination. So ill state this again: the Declaration of Independence states "All men (women) are created equal" and that "Every person has the right life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."

^ALL PEOPLE^That includes gays.

1 point

I agree. The Declaration of Independence states "All men (women) are created equal" and that "Every person has the right life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."

People are being discriminated for things that they cannot help and it is wrong.

1 point

If the bullying is bad enough it can have horrible effects on the kid. They have higher risk of depression, their grades can drop, they may have thoughts of suicide, they are more likely to miss school, and a lot more. Unless its just joking, bullying is bad.

1 point

Thats not fair to them. They cant help their sexuality. If you were like them would like to go through life having to hide it?

1 point

I agree that someone is always getting hurt when someone bullies someone else. According to, people who are bullied, people who bully others, and people who witness bullying are all affected. Some of the affects to these people are really shocking and sad.

1 point

I think it depeneds on how bad the bullying is. If the bullying is actually physical, it is definetly wrong. If the bully also verbally abuses the person into thinking they are worthless, that is also wrong. But children do need to grow up with some bullying. Small name calling and stuff like that does make them stronger and shows them that not everyone in the world is perfectly nice.

1 point

Either way, the child should be given the chance to live. If the child will be growing up in such a hostile environment, maybe the parent/parents should put the child up for adoption.

1 point you think stereotyping is okay? If you think that stereotyping is okay, then your saying that discriminating is okay. Stereotyping is what starts discrimination.

1 point

Gays should have the same right as everyone else. It just doesn’t seem right to take away such basic rights from people who are just the same as the rest of us. Having a different sexuality should not set them apart.

Some people believe that being gay is wrong and should not be allowed. It is also against some people’s religion. Some people even argue that anyone can choose their sexuality and that gays choose to be gay, but I dont believe thats true. Why would people choose to be gay when life as a gay in today's society is so hard?

1 point

This website supplies 10 great reasons as to why abortion is wrong:

1 point

But think about it. Killing is better? If you were the child wouldnt you rather have the chance to live? And like I said before, if the pregnancy is a health risk, thats the only way abortion is okay.

1 point

Also, discrimination starts with stereotypes and before long we start to treat people by the way of their stereotype.

People tend to stick people who are like them. And due to misinformation, ignorance, and fear of differences, people make prejudices against people who are not like them.

I also thought about how everyone discriminates. We learn it from the media, parents, or peers. Although most do not try to, it just happens.

1 point

I agree completely. Discrimination is an action that treats people unfairly because of their membership in a particular social group. Discriminatory behaviors take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection. There are different types of discrimination still found around today such as racism, sexism, and religious discrimination. Many people today are discriminated due to disabilities or sexuality, too.

Any type of discrimination is not okay. Inside, we are all the same. We are all God’s people and should all be treated equally. No one is perfect. Everyone should accept that. It’s not alright for you to discriminate against someone else when you have flaws too.

1 point

No matter what people say, abortion is wrong. All life is sacred. Abortion is murder. Its not any different than killing an adult. It may even be worse. If you abort a child, it never gets a chance to live! In know way is it okay to kill a baby except for health risks. Besides, abortion clinics rely on taxpayer's money. Do you really want to be paying for the killing of unborn children. Abortion needs to be abolished.

1 point

Like i said, being raped is horrible, but its a chance to turn something terrible into something great. Even if she has trouble paying for it. Do you think murder is a better choice than trying your hardest to get proper care for the child?

1 point

There are more reasons for abortion being wrong, too. For one, abortion hurts women's mental health. Imagine having to think about taking away a baby's life for the rest of your life. Also, abortion increases risk of breast cancer, infertility, and other health issues. Women may die from abortion, too. Overall, it should only be used as a last resort for health risks.

1 point

I do feel a lot of sympathy for girls in that situation but its a chance for them to turn such a horrible event into something beautiful that they can watch grow and be proud of. If the girl is young and pregnancy is a health issue for her, that is the only way that abortion would be okay. Abortion is murder. It is wrong.

1 point

Abortion, or the termination of pregnancy, is wrong and should be abolished. All life is sacred and should be kept safe. Many other people believe that in certain cases such as rape and disabled babies, abortion should be an option for those people. I believe that even in these cases, abortion should not be allowed. Only if the pregnant woman and the baby are at risk due to health issues should it be acceptable.

3 points

well our economy is horrible............DUH...............

1 point

we should be liberal so we can change whats going on right now

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