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MichaelB1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MichaelB1's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Agreed. If someone was raped or something like that they should just put the baby up for adoption instead of taking a life.

1 point

Agreed. He would be a lot better than Barrack Osama. Romney knows what he is talking about and will do well for this country.

1 point

Agreed. It's taking a long time because the plan is supposed to take time and it will make everything better in the end.

2 points

Agreed. Scott Walker for president!!!! He eis doing the right thing unlike Obama. He is just taxing the wealthy that are actually donating money.

1 point

Agreed because there are too many people being able to jump it and start lives over in the U.S. The mexicans should go get a passport if they really want to cross the border that bad. If they can't afford one... sad times.

1 point

I think that Scott Walker shouldn't be recalled because he is saving us 30 million dollars and over 2 years, 300 million dollars. All government workers are crying because they didn't have to pay healthcare before like everyone else and now they have to start paying it like they should've.

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