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This personal waterfall shows you all of MadisonJewel's arguments, looking across every debate.

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Like the south in the Civil War, the USA is trying reconstruct Iraq after the war on Terror. Iraq's was destroyed economically, socially and physically. The US is now rebuilding the infrastructure and trying to install a democrat government for the Iraqi people.

I never said there was any fraud, i said it is not necessary because of the fact there hasnt been voter id fraud. i was explaining why it is suported

Was the reconstruction a success or failure? It all depends on who you ask. Ask a southern white man and he will say no. We were better off with the slaves and the laws; the war and reconstruction hurt us. Then ask a white northern male and they might say something like it brought us back together as a whole and unified our country. Looking back today, i think the the reconstruction was a success. The country isn't divided into two parts, the blacks received their civil rights (which also led to womens rights).

Was the reconstruction a success or failure? It all depends on who you ask. Ask a southern white man and he will say no. We were better off with the slaves and the laws; the war and reconstruction hurt us. Then ask a white northern male and they might say something like it brought us back together as a whole and unified our country. Looking back today, i think the the reconstruction was a success. The country isn't divided into two parts, the blacks received their civil rights (which also led to womens rights).

MadisonJewel(13) Clarified
1 point

The republicans would have a slight edge over the democrats because the people with out ID's ussually vote for the democratic nominee

4 points

I don't think voter ID laws are necessary. They are supported by republicans to give them an edge in the voting polls. Most low wage workers, inner city people, minorities, and young college students,(people who usually vote democratically) don't have ID's because they have no use for them. So with that group of people not being able to vote, the Democratic party nominee loses a percentage of their voters, giving the republicans a larger chance of winning.

2 points

I predict there will be a second civil war. every year our country grows more and more apart. the gap between the rich and poor grow and more and more riots are breaking out.

2 points

Death Penalty should be brought back. Public hanging, electrick chair, firing squad. if you kill someone then your life should be taken also. an eye for an eye, hand for a hand. if you steal your hand should be cut off. the crime rate would decrease by so much.

2 points

The problem with weed is it impairs your judgement and what influences you. when on weed your thoughts are clouded. It is hard to stop people from smoking it becasue it is so easy to get and there is so much of it.

Tax should be totally based on how much money you make. that means the rich should have increased taxes and shouldnt be able to get out of taxes with loopholes

2 points

With our country being in so much debt, it makes me sick how much professional athletes make. millions of dollars to play a game. a game kids play all the time. Then they are having this lockdown becasue they want more money

Speaking of our crazy branches.. you want to make a change in our government dont pay congress so much for doing almost nothing. Their paychecks are huge, they are not taxed like the rest of the citizens and they take their time debating certain things.

the leagal drinking age should be lowered. i think you should be able to drink at the age of 21. in wisconsin you can drink before you can walk if your parents give it to you. its not like the laws are stopping people under the age of 21 from drinking

I am tired of hearing every gay and lesbian crying about how they are not allowed to show public displays of affection. holding hands, hugs, that does not bug me but having to watch them makeing out, really getting into it. that is nasty. I dont like it when straight people do it either.

Should congress be censoring google? Wikipedia and other websites have had black outs the last few days. The thing that should be fixed is the piracy on the internet. Also the internet should not be censored by our government, What do you think?

I think she wasn't in to much danger. It was a controlled enviroment and yes, it was kinda scary but nothing happened.

Text books are dated and dont contain all of the information needed. The internet is an unlimited source of information.

Obama spoke of change? well since obama has been elected riots have broke out and things are getting violent. our troops are still over seas and dying and our country is in an economic downfall. Good job Obama.

Who do you think will win? Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney? Or will Obama be voted back into office. Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are very close in the polls.

2 points

I think everyone should have the same rights as the next person. Just because you are a man and like another man or a woman in love with a woman, it is totally personal preference. it is their lives and they can live it the way they want to. No one has any right to tell people what they can and can not do.

Bullying is a horrible thing. It doesn't happen to everyone so they don't know how it personally feels to have someone tear you down everyday with hurtful words and actions. Anyone who is bullying should have punishment of somesort. Look at that kid in Kiel, he was being bullied. he killed himself. If bullying continues for certain people they start to think the only way out is suicide. it is horrible

All of the gangs have been carrying weapons probably since they could walk. Concealed carry is giving the LEGAL people a chance to protect themselves in case a dangerous situation comes up. Most building do not permit and guns on their property which make things safer.

Abortion is used as a birth control for some people. They abort their child, a growing, living human being, because they don't want the responsibility of raising it. Human life should be valued.

I agree, he has saved the state so much money with the budget repair bill. These gorvernment workers are having a hissy fit becasue they have to pay like everyone else does. There is so much money going into this recall effort and it is so stupid. Suck it up and work like everyone else has to.

I agree. The illegal immigrants are out of control. I think the U.S. should put up a large electrified fence or something to try to keep them out. With the "border jumpers" coming over illegally, they are taking jobs away from true American citizens. Also most of them can' speak English which also means they can't read it. These people are on the roads driving, and if they don't read a sign correctly then they put themselves and others in danger.

The 2012 Presidential electons are coming up and I think Mitt Romney will win. I think our country needs a change and Mitt Romney can do this. I believe this is because Mitt Romney is a moderate republican meaning he is farther toward the status quo instead of being more of a conservative. I think the U.S. needs a president like this, instead of going from one extreme to the other and messing things up even more.

2 points

Our country is being ran by a democrat... and our economy is getting worse

2 points

so taking a way peoples hard earned money and giving it to people who live off the government so they don't have to try to find a job is better?

2 points

Both, our country needs the guidance of and leadership of both liberals and conservatives. Both groups have good and bad ideas that when you put them together great things could happen.

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