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AZiegler's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AZiegler's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Pinkertons are good to controll the crowds of strickers. without pinkertons, the strikers would go out of control and we would have an uneeded epidemic.

1 point

My kind worker, 40 hour weeks will do nothing but make buisnessmen loose money. if the workers get a shorter weeks that also means smaller paychecks for the workers and less prophit for the company. its a bad idea just to give workers a small break

1 point

I dont think that Unions are needed because they allready made an impact on the working world and their time is over. We dont need them anymore for anything. Unions already made minimum wage, social security payments, an eight hour day and weekends, overtime pay. what else do we need a union for?

1 point

Pickertons are practicly the buissness men and women secret army. us buissness need the pickertens for strikers and sit down strickers. without the pinkertons the workers would baisically be ably to own the buissnessmen.

1 point

It would be very helpful for us buissness men and women, to have cheaper labor and have the immagrants work londer hours. its a win win situations for the wealthy

1 point

We want Illeagal immagration to be less strict so we can have cheaper labor. We want the illeagal immagrants to work for buissness men and women for wayyyyyy less than what e are payingg now.

1 point

DESPUTING BCAIN: altho its not fair it gets jobs oppened up, more money to the companies which gives my workers more money, and it helps workers pay for their families

2 points

If we get rid of the minimum wage companies will get more money, more jobs will open up. When we have more jobs the unemployment rate would lower and the economy would get better

1 point

I am against 40 hour weeks because i am a buisness owner and i want my workers working more than 40 hours so i make more money. If they work longer they get a little better pay to feed their families. Also if my workers work longer the company could expand or boom and the company couldget moree money so we could give a little more money to the workers. If the company expands more jobs also

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