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RSS Kmanzeck

Reward Points:29
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Prohibition does not work. When people want to do something, they will do it. In the past people have got into arguments, fights, and wars about plenty of things people wanted to end. If we put one on alcohol and marijuana, honestly people would not care. Wether they were breaking a lwa or not listening to others, they will do it anyways. People want to learn by mistakes these days. If they have to learn the hard way, most will. They wont see a bad side of it until they get hit by it emotionally. It would never work.

1 point

Trains helped in trading as well. we upgraded from horses to trains. horses are cheaper, but they cant go as far with goods or as fast. they also can die along the way. trains were made sure they were built right and could carry tons. including people

1 point

i agree, why would you take time out to go expand when you could move but not 1,000 miles away from everything. That just sounded stupid to me. You would die for nothing.

1 point

yes, think about fighting for land now and trying to buy land back. this would suck.

1 point

Moving west did help us spread out more and be able to find our land and start something over. I think the most important thing in this is we found it so that the land is ours. We didn't have to worry about anyone else taking our land from us. The U.S. is perfectly proportioned

1 point

I do think this helped america see that we needed to step up our ammunition so we can defend ourselves a lot more. it is very impressive of how good we keep allies out of our country though i modern days so it proves that this did help us.

1 point

i agree in my eyes, we did not need to start an argument with them for nothing. it was prolly the most stupidest war ever

1 point

I agree i dont think this really changed anythin in the u.s. besides showed we had strength, but we already had strength.

1 point

I def agree with this, and this also tells us that we can make it through the worst and we are strong enough to stand for what be believe.

1 point

i disagree because if we went early, we would not be as prepared as we were later on for the war.

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