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1 point

I do agree that it should not be leagalized, because the numbers would explode, kids would want to smoke weed if their older brothers or sisters are doing it.

0 points

If the government would leagalize weed, the illeagal would be mad at the government and attack the leagal dealers. it would just be another war.

1 point

If the government took over the trading of drugs, alot of dealers and farmers would get extremly pissed and try to attack the government traders. So it would start a new war with the illeagal drug dealers and the leagal drug sellers.

1 point

I agree. If we would legalize marijuana kids would see older brothers or people they look up to doing it and would want to get into drugs right away without knowing what it does to their body. When kids grow up around smoking they tend to smoke when they get older and it would work the same way with drugs.

1 point

Showing other countries that we are a strong and confident country does not mean we are imperialistic. If the countries were not in the best of shape we helped them rise above were they were. Many countries are better now sence we helped them then before where they were struggling to keep people alive.

1 point

If that book was never created, there could be a lot more sick people from eating what the say was food.

1 point

I agree, every time we think of black people, we think of gangster, fried chicken, Kool-Aid, drug dealers. Why cant we just think of them as being like us?

1 point

In WWI nobody knew who started the war, so the soldiers were fighting each other and they had no idea why.

1 point

I agree, we needed that so our country would not be messed with and we can live in peace.

1 point

I agree if we had not went into the war when we did Germany would have taken the European front and the US would have been screwed

1 point

At the beggining of the movie it showed that the teacher was talking like the war was the greatest thing ever. That made the kids think that being in the army would be fun and games.

1 point

That shows that are economy has grown a lot since then. We have no more children working in factories. And it is a law to have a safe working environment

1 point

Having a military in Iraq is not showing that we are imperialistic, we are there to protect the citizens there from the taliban. They all do not want to kill us there

1 point

Having a military in Iraq is not showing that we are imperialistic, we are there to protect the citizens there from the taliban. They all do not want to kill us there

1 point

Today we have a better economy now than then. Children are not working in very dangerous conditions anymore, everybody is much wealthier then they were back then

1 point

I agree they showed that one scene that the soldier was saying sorry to the man he killed. He did not want to kill him but he was forced to.

1 point

We are not forcing anything on them though. We are helping them when they need help

1 point

We do not think that we are the best, we just want to help other countries to become healthier or better conditions for living in.

1 point

We are not forcing anything, they need help so we give them our help

1 point

We were never imperalistic, we had to show how we could be friends but you dont want to start a war with us

1 point

We were just showing that we are not a country to fight with. That we have power to compete with

1 point

We were not imperialistic, we had to show other countries that we were able to fight against others.

1 point

America was not imperialistic, we were helping other countries out. Like with the Paama canal we helped them build it

1 point

America is not imperialistic country, it does not force things on other countries

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