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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tstruve's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The Provisional Government was opposed right away by the soviets, or councils of workers and peasants, who wanted the right to make their own decisions.

1 point

The commonly held notion that it was started out of outrage over the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie at the hands of Serbian nationalist secret society.

1 point

The Allies were joined after 1917 by the United States. The four years of the Great Waras it was then known saw unprecedented levels of carnage and destruction thanks to grueling trench warfare and the introduction of modern weaponry such as machine guns tanks and chemical weapons.

1 point

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia. An escalation of threats and mobilization orders followed the incident leading by mid August to the outbreak of World War I which pitted Germany Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against Great Britain France Russia Italy and Japan

1 point

Russia bound by treaty to Serbia announced mobilisation of its vast army in her defence a slow process that would take around six weeks to complete.

1 point

Austria-Hungary's expectation was that Serbia would reject the remarkably severe terms of the ultimatum, thereby giving her a pretext for launching a limited war against Serbia.

1 point

Austria-Hungary's reaction to the death of their heir was three weeks in coming. Arguing that the Serbian government was implicated in the machinations of the Black Hand the Austro-Hungarians opted to take the opportunity to stamp its authority upon the Serbians, crushing the nationalist movement there and cementing Austria-Hungary's influence in the Balkans.

1 point

The number of Africans shipped as slaves to America has been conservatively estimated at 10 million. That number doesn't include the thousands who died along the way. Some estimates have concluded that 15 to 25 of every 100 Africans died on those voyages.

1 point

Wealthy Europeans craved spices from Asia as well as silks and sugar. This trade had helped to further the prosperity of Italian city states like Venice and could be traced back to the time of the Crusades. Columbus himself was born in Genoa the map making capital of Europe.

1 point

Lucrative European trade with Asia had been severely curtailed by wars in the Middle East culminating with the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453.

1 point

Christopher Columbus first voyage to the Americas in 1492 inaugurated what is frequently termed the Age of Exploration and within 100 years ignited an often volatile competition between the emerging nation states of Europe.

1 point

Renaissance French for rebirth perfectly describes the intellectual and economic changes that occurred in Europe from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries.

1 point

The Spanish-American War and the subsequent occupation of Cuba can be traced to the rapid growth of the American public’s interest in economic, territorial, and cultural expansion during the 1890s. This interest was due in part to domestic economic distress.

1 point

The U.S. Navy Department immediately formed a board of inquiry to determine the reason for Maine's destruction. The inquiry conducted in Havana lasted four weeks. The condition of the submerged wreck and the lack of technical expertise prevented the board from being as thorough as later investigations.

1 point

The destruction of Maine did not cause the U.S. to declare war on Spain but it served as a catalyst accelerating the approach to a diplomatic impasse. In addition the sinking and deaths of U.S. sailors rallied American opinion more strongly behind armed intervention.

1 point

The Spanish-American War was a turning point in the history of the United States signalling the country's emergence as a world power.

1 point

Spain's restriction of the navigation of the Mississippi, the great natural commercial artery of the American continent, was a great annoyance to the settlers on the western slopes of the Alleghanies.

1 point

The Trail of Tears National Historic Trail commemorates the removal of the Cherokee and the paths that 17 Cherokee detachments followed westward.

1 point

Many Americans appraised of this assimilation by publicists from the tribes themselves and by missionaries who had long lived among them championed the cause of the Five Civilized Tribes.

1 point

The Texas governor is telling supporters that he will drop his bid for the GOP presidential nomination two sources familiar with his plans say.

1 point

Pinkerton's shouldn't be involved with the work situation because the workers should talk to the business about the problems and sort it out with the other workers.

1 point

Instead of having a 40 hour work week I would want people to work a 60 hour work week because when they would work they could get more money and then when they get more money they could have a little bit of money left for like food and clothes.

1 point

Workers need a minimum amount of income from their work to survive and pay the bills. Adults who currently work for minimum wage are likely to lose jobs to teenagers who will work for much less. It forces businesses to share some of the vast wealth with the people that help produce it.

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