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This personal waterfall shows you all of Tmalone's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The pinkertons are are too large of a force, instead of being a police force it is more like an army. Being for womens rights, I should be able to speak my belief. With pinkertons around they take away that right of speech from you and are violent. They should limit there power.

1 point

If lots of immagrants sre arriving into the country I might get the short end of the stick. Being a women of this time period I need to be able to support my family and if I don't get the job I need I sill not be able to support my family, I will probably get the worst out of the worst jobs.

1 point

I don't think that the pinkertons are needed. There is nothing wrong with protests. Being a woman worker we are not violent in our protest. I think that is what the police is for. It is a ridiculous amount of them too, they are lmost like an army. We can find a better way to deal with this.

1 point

I think that there is so too many immagrants piling into the country. We should have more strict regulations in our country to get in. I am a women industry worker and my job could be stolen by a man if the immagrants start piling into the country.

1 point

People can take over big industries and have most of the jobs in that area. Then people who don't have as much eifducation and need to work in that area will get such a low pay

they might be in poverty. Once a ccorparation gets so big they can pay people very low wage and not phase them.

3 points

I would be for it because I am part of the womans workers and I would not like to be slaving for longer hours than I need to. We have bad working conditions and they can work us for as long as they want. If this 40 hour work week goes into play we will not have to deal with this.

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