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However some families need another person earning money in their family. If the family needs the money the child should be able to work to help support them.

I am against the immigration reform bill because the people come here from other countries because times are rough in other in their countries and they deserve a fair chance to make their own here in the U.S.

2 points

You should be paid differently depending on what job you have. Some peoples jobs are much more important than others and you should be paid on how important your job is.

2 points

Children are not taking up so much space that you can't have any more machines. If the machines are made safer you will have less injured workers which will increase your productivity and make you more money.

2 points

I believe unions are still needed because they are a good way for the workers to get their demands met by a company. Conditions have gotten much, much better but there are still things workers need to argue.

2 points

The immigrants coming in are not a problem. You will have a job as long as you work hard and don't make unreasonable demands on me and my company.

Just because you don't want your child working until they are 14 doesn't mean that there aren't other families desperate for the money that needs every one of their family members working to support themselves.

I disagree with the Keating-Owen Bill because I believe it is the kids choice on whether he wants to work for my company and if he does want to work I should be able to work him whatever hours I want. I as a business owner should not be punished for working my employees, no matter what their age.

I am against them putting a limit on immigration because the immigrants are a big source of workers for my company and they are willing to for long hours for little money because they are desperate for jobs.

However if children are working less they are making less money and their family could be depending on that money for their next meal.

However there are some people that are desperate for jobs and working for pennies a day will at least give them some money which is better than nothing.

I am against minimum wage because I believe that people should be paid on their quality of work. If I don't believe your work is worth $7.25 you shouldn't be paid that. Also, people are always looking for work and if one person wont work for $5 an hour I'm sure I can find someone else who will and is desperate for work.

3 points

I believe a 60 hour work week is fine because the people get paid for every hour they work. The more hours they work, the more products we will produce. With our company able to sell more products our wealth will grow and the workers will be paid better.

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