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1 point

In our history we have seen that prohibition doesnt work. They tried to prohibit alcohol and it didnt work so why would they try to do it again. People will do what they want wether its illegal or not. For some its the thrill of getting caught. Marijuana wouldnt be an issue if people wouldnt use it in an excessive amount. It can be used for medicinal purposes so why shouldnt it be leagalized its not harming anyone.

1 point

What are the major changes in the industrial era back then and now? Like the working conditions, wages, and working hours.

1 point

I think that the United States would fall appart because we depend on china to much and they depend on us equally. Our economy would plunge because we would not have any imported goods we rely on other countries to get us the goods we need if China was not appart of that then we would have some big problems.

1 point

It was a good choice because it turned into the main place to travel through to get goods shipped to different places. It saved time and money but it took to many peoples lives in order to make it. But now people dont uses the pamama canal that much mostly things are shipped to different places by planes instead of ships.

1 point

I agree with you because there wouldt be U.S history without the Progressive Movement. It provided us with better protection from harsh working conditions and it protected us from rotten food. Now its steralized and not contaminated and much safer.

1 point

I disagree with you because yea the U.S is trying to help but they are trying to hard. The help is turning into a problem when other countries are not likeing the help. Most of the countries arent even asking for help but since they are in a poor position the U.S automatically thinks that they need help when most of the other countries are progressing on their own. Help is not always needed.

1 point

I agree because Barak Obama didnt change racism if anything the reasons most people dot like him is because they are racist. Most people dont really give reasons why they dont like him because hey are embarassed to admit that they are showing racism towards him. Racism is always going to be here and it will never change because people cant except the fact that other people are different and because they are that they should be in a lower class or they find themselfs in a higher position to other people. Its not right and people should just get over themselves for discriminating other races. There never just going to disappear get over it.

1 point

I agree with you because the United States does think that they are better that all of the other countries which causes big problems with wars and other things. If the U.S keeps thinking they are better and can do whatever then it will not run smoothly. We need to have other countries think differently we have no need to make other countries afraid of us and to intimidate them when they arent a threat untill we get overly confident and find a reason to start an argument. We are not above the rest what happeded to everyone being equal beacause apparently its not happening.

1 point

I think that our working conditons are deffinaltly better now then they were back then. But some areas in the U.S still dont have great working conditions. The U.S has gotten better child labor laws but we need to get other countries around us to pick up on our labor laws because most kids in other countries still get payed less and there working conditions arent that great.

1 point

I agree because they didnt know what they were fighting for but they were just told to join the war and fight. None of the soldiers knew why they were there but they were proud to be fighting for their country. The germans were told by many of the people around them to join the war like there was that teacher who told his whole class to join and fight.

1 point

I agree with this because the Spanish American war could have been avoided butthe americans had to show that they had power over other countries which was not needed. Because we had to much nationalism that we thought we were better and that there were no problems to be resolved.

1 point

I disagree because without collective bargining should be passed with restrictions. If the employers could choose if they wanted to put more money into health care then they would most likely not put alot in health care. They wouldnt because everyone is out for their own and everyone wants more money.

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